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Question for Neil in Leeds - what is an engaged tone ??????

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34 replies
1 watcher
Now am I being thick, or have I missed an event or am I reading far too much into Neil's footnote on his profile - it says engaged tone with a lot of love after it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I can only sit back and wait in anticipation to find out what it means ................................................................... lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Corrie2007
Well I can only sit back and wait in anticipation to find out what it means ................................................................... lol :lol: :lol:

Ain't you got anything to do today then????
I would assume it means what it says, but I dont want to be responsible for spreading rumours. ahh heck I just dont want to be responsible :giggle:
Quote by Corrie2007
Now am I being thick, or have I missed an event or am I reading far too much into Neil's footnote on his profile - it says engaged tone with a lot of love after it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I can only sit back and wait in anticipation to find out what it means ................................................................... lol :lol: :lol:

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I was wondering the same thing Corrie. Been struggling for days for a descreet casual way of asking him.
Do it the Corrie way and just come out with it, in a great big flashy thread of its own :rotflmao: :thumbup: kiss
So, c'mon NIL whats it mean?? Ooooooh does it mean that?? Ooooooh cool :happy:
Anticipation building now the questions out :lol: :bounce:
Hats for hire!! anyone want a hat to hire???

Quote by fembernie
Well I can only sit back and wait in anticipation to find out what it means ................................................................... lol :lol: :lol:

Ain't you got anything to do today then????
No unlike you Bernie I am sitting here become Atilla :shock: need some life coaching I think :lol: :lol: well glad it wasnt just me thinking it Missy :lol: :lol: :lol:
FFS corrie, i thought you were sharper than that? rolleyes :P
an engaged tone is what you get when you try to phone someone, and they're already on the phone to someone else. surely everyone knows that? dunno ;)
you might be needing a new hat though at some point! biggrin
neil x x x ;)
Ohh can I have a guess,
Getting my hat box out
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by wedding-planner
Getting my hat box out
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

no need just yet. having seen the size of the rock gem's got her beady little eye on, i think it's gonna be quite some time before we need your services! :shock: i always figured it's the thought that counts, but apparently cubic zirconium don't quite cut it? dunno confused :lol:
neil x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
FFS corrie, i thought you were sharper than that? rolleyes :P
an engaged tone is what you get when you try to phone someone, and they're already on the phone to someone else. surely everyone knows that? dunno ;)
you might be needing a new hat though at some point! biggrin
neil x x x ;)

I can't believe it you two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is amazing and I am so happy thats its worked out for the two of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I am bright girlie sometimes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
At last Nellie, you've said it out loud!!!
Official congrats to you both! :happy: :inlove:
Congratulations you two :happy:
So when is the party? wink
Congrats you two, really good news kiss
Congradulations you two. I hope i get an invite xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I feel a party coming on! :happy:
Congrats you two kiss
Got my hat too

Can i Kiss the bride? :lickface:
(and can i choose which bit of her i kiss? :rascalsmile
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Got my hat too

Can i Kiss the bride? :lickface:
(and can i choose which bit of her i kiss? :rascalsmile

Woah Meaty! Is that a 3 tier cake under your hat or just pleased to see me? wink
Oh wow, congratulations you two. biggrin
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I feel a party coming on! :happy:
Congrats you two kiss

OOOhhhhhh hadn't thought of the potential party :giggle:
you both know how I feel as I told you last week but needless to say Congrats passionkiss
Now about this party ...............
Fantasic news me dears you both deserve each other (not in a bad way)i don't really know the male half but i have seen bits of the female half a few times and i know he's very lucky
Good luck both of you
Debz xxxx
Congratulations both of you.
Now like Calli says, about the party.......... lol
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Oh, I got an hat
Brilliant news, so very pleased for you both kiss

How tight are you???? Surely you're not wearing the same hat twice? lol :lol: :lol:
Congrats Neil and Gem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Busty and Mollers xxxxxxxxxxx
It took me three years to meet you two and when we finally managed it - it was worth the wait.
Two top quality people - with an engagement made in Heaven!
You don't work for the Government do you - leaking it out like that? wink
Congratulations you two. Its amazing news. Really happy for you both.
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Congrats to you both and passionkiss to the pair of you ....
and my offer still stands even if I have to wear the dress you described to me Neil smackbottom :P
redface Thankyou.
I'd let you all see a ring, but alas, he's not recognised that these don't quite cut it...

I dread to hear about these dresses he's got planned. :scared:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
biggrin :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss:
Wahoooooo!! Party on !!! I don't have a hat, but I have a wig biggrin
Congrats... XXXX
I am sure I am not the only 1 but everytime I call Gem I get the engaged tone! And as 4 text replys, they are suppossed to be instant are they not lol
O yes :fuckinghell: and :thumbup: and :love: and drinkies
Chris x