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question for the more seasoned members mods & room opps

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0 watchers
My opinion ?
Is in my sig block.
Assuming you'd class my member as seasoned.
Or ...........................
if you were a pretty little blonde .......................................
Only if you season my member.
given the threads that are around at the moment, and the shift of 'regulars' back to the Cafe....... I think it speaks for itself
at the moment.
I can only say what the others have said above and I think Dambusters signature says it all!
Got to add though, that it is the members, new and old, which make this place wink
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Got to add though, that it is the members, new and old, which make this place wink

:thumbup: the site is only as good as the people within it. As is the 'community'.
may as well lock this now seeing as Judy's just said what everyone else is thinking wink lol
Quote by mike48
may as well lock this now seeing as Judy's just said what everyone else is thinking wink lol

se you in feb 2008 cool
that went straight over my head Mike - explain please redface
I do miss the old swinging heaven......but i've stuck around to see what the new swinging heaven as to offer.....i was never a big user of the chatrooms but since the webcams came into use i do find i go into them quite abit now!! :wanker:
Well I've not shouted at admin for about a week. I don't think I have even swore but then maybe its because I have promised not to call a certain person in the office a twat for two weeks :lol2:
I still don't think we have seen what the site has to offer us properly. We have new servers, boxes and other things I do not understand but that should speed the site up.
I'm guessing there is still a lot more to come from the admin team so until everything is in place, I will still be here accepting the changes (just) and having fun where I can.
Quote by JudyTV
The old Swinging heaven gave me two years of very happy times, it changed my social life in a positive and productive way, It allowed me to meet some lovely people and have some rather err interesting times, it helped me to make some very special friends one or two very special ones indeed and overall enriched my life in a relatively short time. So, I will wait until the same amount of time has passed and assess it to to see if it is / has been as productive and as positive as it was originally. I don't expect it to do it in the three months up to now so I will wait and see. Only time will tell, however, things seem to have settled down a little bit and it appears to be coming together, its just a little bit too early to make hard and fast statements. Hopefully we are getting there and they seem to be doing a decent job so lets all give them more time and help the site to flourish and grow in the positive way that it did in the past.

Judy, I've just read your post again. It is excellent kiss
Quote by Darkfire
may as well lock this now seeing as Judy's just said what everyone else is thinking wink lol

se you in feb 2008 cool
that went straight over my head Mike - explain please redface
rolleyes Is darkfile one 'o them dumb blonde bints ??????
Quote by Tramper
may as well lock this now seeing as Judy's just said what everyone else is thinking wink lol

se you in feb 2008 cool
that went straight over my head Mike - explain please redface
rolleyes Is darkfile one 'o them dumb blonde bints ??????
Who is Darkfile?
Darkfire is NOT a dumb blonde how you put things please
>>>>>>bites tongue.
>>>>>>steps away from thread.
how'm I doing gang? that behaviour modification therapy is fantastic stuff you know wink
Quote by Tramper
may as well lock this now seeing as Judy's just said what everyone else is thinking wink lol

se you in feb 2008 cool
that went straight over my head Mike - explain please redface
rolleyes Is darkfile one 'o them dumb blonde bints ??????
dumb blonde bints ?????????????????????????
Tramper ................ R U one of those quick shag single blokes ?
nope ............. I dont need an answer............................ 4 posts !!!!
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ladies and gentlemen, we have a troll rolleyes
Quote by Sarah how you put things please

Where would you like me to put it, Hunni ?
Somewhere near the butterfly ?
Quote by Darkfire
ladies and gentlemen, we have a troll rolleyes

Erm this may seem like a daft question, but what's a troll? I too blonde and stupid to know :roll:
Quote by Tramper how you put things please

Where would you like me to put it, Hunni ?
Somewhere near the butterfly ?
You'll go far my friend :thumbup: innocent :twisted:
Quote by mik69
You'll go far my friend :thumbup: innocent :twisted:

All the way my friend - or no way wink
btw Mik - do youtake it up the shedbox too ?
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
ladies and gentlemen, we have a troll rolleyes

Erm this may seem like a daft question, but what's a troll? I too blonde and stupid to know :roll:
It is a thing with bright green hair , fat belly and lives under a bridge!
Quote by Tramper

You'll go far my friend :thumbup: innocent :twisted:

All the way my friend - or no way wink
btw Mik - do youtake it up the shedbox too ?
FFS you just get better and better i'll sit back and sell tickets for this it's going to be fun :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
dont do it folks, the twat will get bored soon
we're chatting nicely over in LMU Thumper sweetie, lets take it back over there wink
Quote by Tramper

You'll go far my friend :thumbup: innocent :twisted:

All the way my friend - or no way wink
btw Mik - do youtake it up the shedbox too ?
Bye bye Tramper ................... it was nice not knowing you !
Sam ............. one of those stupid blonde bints xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tramper I will say my goodbyes now as I dont think you will be around when I get back.
Bye, it was not nice meeting you.
oooo i missed this thread.......having fun girls!!!!
i have dark hair with two blocks of blonde in it so does that make me a dumb blonde bint??? dunno
Quote by Darkfire
ladies and gentlemen, we have a troll rolleyes

Well i eat fucking trolls for breakfast!!..... :twisted:
well eat this one please
4 xT's come to mind..where is Jags when you need her?????????
Quote by da69ve
ladies and gentlemen, we have a troll rolleyes

Well i eat fucking trolls for breakfast!!..... :twisted:
You one of them gays ?
I only like when dumb blonde bints eat me.
Quote by Tramper
ladies and gentlemen, we have a troll rolleyes

Well i eat fucking trolls for breakfast!!..... :twisted:
You one of them gays ?
I only like when dumb blonde bints eat me.
This is a p*ss take right no one is this dumb or sleazy or am I just that naieve redface
Quote by Sarah
well eat this one please
4 xT's come to mind..where is Jags when you need her?????????

I'm here rolleyes I was just looking into a couple of accounts and checking the od IP innocent