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Quotes in posts in Quotes

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13 replies
1 watcher
Well we have finally done it.. it has gone bonkers... loon :loon: :loon: :loon: take a look here:
And now just when you think it cant get any more :loon: LOOK at the FORUM button at the top... see the bouncy man??? :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: We have actually run the quoted replies nutty :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
**Takes a bow** worship .. there is actually TWO posts at the top of the page... he he he :worship:
It keeps throwing me out of the thread before it fully loads. Anybody else finding this using firefox?
It does look fine through IE though. I can't see any mishaps behind any forum buttons that you speak of. :cry:
Quote by mattmoleman
It keeps throwing me out of the thread before it fully loads. Anybody else finding this using firefox?
It does look fine through IE though. I can't see any mishaps behind any forum buttons that you speak of. :cry:

Mine works in Firefox.. do you have the latest one
Yep just recently updated it all. Just throughs out an error with debug or close. Doesn't give me a chance to see what is making the error. :cry:
I can't quite remember but I think the reason you are finding two posts behind the forum button is because the page hasn't loaded properly. Mark (I believe) uses DIV's with positioning. A refresh may sort the problem out.
I'm gonna play with the settings until I find out why its not working for me.
It appears you are suffering from the same thing but not getting thrown out. This maybe a firefox only issue. rolleyes It works fine in IE. I've uninstalled Netscape and Opera so if anybody has them handy could you let us know what you can see.
This may well be a bug in the latest release o....
Mine throws me out too. Firefox here confused
Mark, FYI.
I've narrowed it down to a bad signature block which is causing this in firefox. You can see what CiscoCat6k is on about on page four. Page five has a problem.
It looks like it can't handle Dambusters siggy. confused Looking at all the other posts hes done is fine though.
FIREFOX may well not be as good as Internet Explorer!!!!!!! Shock horror. lol Maybe if somebody who hasn't upgraded to version could let us know eh? Find your version number by going to 'help' and 'About Mozilla Firefox'.
Flipping heck - sends you cross eyed confused Wish I knew how to put quotes in threads!!!
Quote by polly40
Flipping heck - sends you cross eyed confused Wish I knew how to put quotes in threads!!!

I just wish i knew how to thread the quotes dunno :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
Quote by polly40
Flipping heck - sends you cross eyed confused Wish I knew how to put quotes in threads!!!

Look >>
:giggle: bolt
blink ok ive just gone bog eyed rotflmao
try using the roll button fingy on the mouse to scroll back and forth
i feel a new visulisation on winamp comming on :twisted:
x rache x
It doesn't like me either :cry:
off to try an alternative wink
Quote by Kit
It doesn't like me either :cry:
off to try an alternative wink

It's really not that exciting, Kit. Unlike your avatar :twisted:
(Just think now - how good you are with the quote thing)
Oh - and by the bluddy (tm Missy) way - your sig.
You are a bad, badgirl ! ! ! ! smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Oh WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you scroll up & downthe quote-in-quuote-in-quote page several times (as shown on the link, which d/loaded fine in my IE), it's like sitting in the boat while going through the tunnel in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. So pyschodelic. Uh-oh . I feel sick now...