It keeps throwing me out of the thread before it fully loads. Anybody else finding this using firefox?
It does look fine through IE though. I can't see any mishaps behind any forum buttons that you speak of. :cry:
Yep just recently updated it all. Just throughs out an error with debug or close. Doesn't give me a chance to see what is making the error. :cry:
I can't quite remember but I think the reason you are finding two posts behind the forum button is because the page hasn't loaded properly. Mark (I believe) uses DIV's with positioning. A refresh may sort the problem out.
I'm gonna play with the settings until I find out why its not working for me.
Oh WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you scroll up & downthe quote-in-quuote-in-quote page several times (as shown on the link, which d/loaded fine in my IE), it's like sitting in the boat while going through the tunnel in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. So pyschodelic. Uh-oh . I feel sick now...