I get asked this on a regular basis, from complete strangers, within the first few lines of communication (eg. hello, fancy camming, have you had many meets). Why do people ask this? Am I alone in thinking this doesn't even make sense? Many meets compared to what? On occasion I will reply "none of your business", which I know to be a fair reply yet is perceived as abrupt, if not bitchy. Do others get this? What do you make of this type of questioning?
They want to know if you are a swinger or a tourist I imagine.
We get asked it too. Our usual reply is along the lines of 'none of your business'. maybe it's our wierd way of looking at things, but we would be more interested in chatting with someone about the possibility of our next meet, than discussing or even thinking about the last.
i usually reply with "oh i've had one or two ta" they want to push any further they usually get ignored.
We don't mind this question when asked for the right reasons, that being, when someone wants to establish wether we are genuine meeters or just here for the cams, pics or dreaming.
The answer to wether it is the former or the latter is always given in the next few questions, what are you wearing, did you have fun, what did you do etc just tell us we have someone on the other end getting off on our experiences or in our case about to get very dissapointed.
We will not discuss anything about our meets that is of an intimate nature, we do not kiss and tell and have no interest in hearing about other peoples sexual encounters.
yeah know what you mean pebbs x
I have taken this thread to heart. In future I will stick to "Are you wearing any knickers" to avoid offence.
we normally tell them had 20-30 inc ostrich kangaroo and crocodile
which is normally replied to with a ??? or wtf .....at which point we explain we're dyslexic :silly:
oh u for got the whispers that say hi,,,,then r u alone....when u r on cam....
If the question was asked by anyone random in chat room or just by message it would be ignored. Other than that we dont have a problem answering it and as many have said would just view it as a verification question.
this is my pet hate on here. i also hate when someone tells me about their bad meets they had on here. (i really don't care!!!!!!! )
Random stranger: "Have you had many meets?"
Me: "Yes thanks"
Random stranger: "Do tell"
Me: "Im sorry, I'm not here to provide you with wank material, if that's what you're looking for go look at my pics!"
fancy camming,I can many meets,I can one that gets me is,do you meet,cant think of any other reason wh I would be on a site of this nature if I