Well, we'd like our own pic page, Fred Flinstone offered to build it for us then promptly disappeared!!! So... we'd like to know... HOW do we do it??? OR is there a techie-head out there who we can send the pics to who'll build it for us then send it to Mark?? (or whetever you do with it then!!) Please email or pm us with instructions if you can be of service!!
Muchly Ta, (TM Lou)
As much as I would love to give sound advice on this - I haven't got a clue :cry: :cry:
Sorry, that's why we don't have one either.
Good luck and I'll look forward to seeing them. :twisted: :twisted:
Mark would probably groan, because he had a fair few corrections to do to mine, but I have the corrected template, and if you would like to let me build one from that, I`d be happy to give it a go. I can change the logo, background, and (obviously the pictures), so let me know.
MARK!! am PMing you and VenusandMars - can i get banned for that?????
If you want a basic page that just shows your pics then send the pics to Mark and it won't take him long to build (no need to thank me Mark). If you want a web page with a few bells and whistles then you're probably gonna have to get someone else to build it for you. I've done a couple myself but that was in the days when HTML was the only option, maybe somebody who's a bit more up to date would like to help you?
I work for a web design company and can easily make you your own website or photo album or whatever it is you want. just message or email me.