my first social was a BBW social and for me it was the perfect introduction to the site as a larger lady i knew i would be with other people of similar sizes and only people who like or want to be with BBW's would be there, a purely confidence thing.
i know its only a co-incidence that it was BBW you picked, but what i mean is if its a first timer it could provide more comfort than an all inclusive.
as to wether specialist socials detract from the munchs or being a good or bad thing i dont know, its all down to personal choice and no matter what kind of social/munch it is people will make their own decisions as to if they will attend or not, same as with any of the events.
Earthy xx
Fabio, I do not see this as any sort of division in the "community". Anyone is free to join in chat in the BBW chat room, and I know that quite a few, if not a majority of those on the list for BBW room events have also been to munches, or are down on the lists for some in the future. I don't think it's any more divisive (i.e. not at all) than the SH golf tournament, the SH paintball day, the ten-pin bowling evenings, ice-skating, Rocky Horror Show, and probably other activities I've forgotten.
personally I like the idea of specialist socials and munches...
the larger, inclusive Munches etc seem to work very well at bringing larger mixes of the community together...
...just as long as an edge edge of arrogance doesnt form twixt the different groups...
I quite like the idea of a specialist Socials.....I mean, why not? I think as long as people aren't too strict on who they see there.....that means everyone is theoretically welcome but there would be an overwhelming majority of *Inset Specialist People here*.....
Maybe I should go and look at the BBW Social again :rascal:
speacialist socials, i personally dont agree here....
reasons being,
it alieneates people from the bigger comunity, people will only know people in there own sub secition of there intrestets.
I like meeting new people from all parts of the country and finding about there lives, i am not saying that sub-sections wont have this but the amount of people would potentially be smaller.
Personally the idea of a munch for me is to get to know people that you might not have met before, and mayby that based on forum or chat might nopt get the chance to meet.
If you think about how munches started on here, I think the individual chatsrooms are evolving in a similar way.
It's natural for a group of people who have been chatting to each other for a while to say "Hey why don't we get together sometime?"
If you're in a room such as "The Devon & Cornwall" room, I can see the practicality of wanting to get to know people from your area - particularly if travelling is difficult.
I know the Derby socials started up from the Derby chatroom, but TBH the organiser has always had "The more the merrier" attitude and although I'm not a big chatter, I'd feel quite comfortable asking for an invite and I know I'd be made to feel welcome.
The organiser of the Derby socials (and regular attendees) also attend other munch & social events so I don't think they're shutting themselves off from the rest of the community, it's just that the majority of the time it's more practical for them to meet locally
Fabio mate i think u put in to words what i meant....
i have often put my name down for NW socials and mids socials even though i live over 100 miles away. I was not having a go about sub sections of location as this in my eyes kinda acceptable, if people sill want to travel they can,
what i was reading in to this is like bbw room, or blackmale on while female ( a room i spend a lot of time in). would i not go to a bbw social if it was local, proabbly not, if i was free and some people were there i wud like to meet i would go
i think socials if the organiser is ok with you coming, should be open to all....
Just being devils advocate here. Its mentioned that some mini munches are for folk who like men/women who are black.
Arent these the most divisive of all. Does some people's inclination for black people flow from a negative rather than a positive place. For example some people say that they love anal sex cos they feel it is naughty/prohibited. I know that Kanye West or Spike Lee could articulate this far better than I could as a white fella.
Just to be clear im not racist! Thought this would be one hell of a poser to throw into the discussion.