Quote by Mr-Powers
this is about hair colour for crying out loud...so do gingers think they are the only ones who have the mickey taken out of them
But what about hatred, I for one have suffered violence because i have ginger hair! so shall we all laugh at that? i was happy to see this thread and i wanted to keep it serious, Why?
Firstly because i still to this very day suffer an immense amount of stick because i have ginger hair.
Secondly because i have seen mothers of new born babies crying and prying that there child DOES NOT have ginger hair
so why is there so much hatred towards ginger hair?
Hatred towards to ginger hair??...abit OTT don't you think!
I'd start worrying when they decide to burn ginger haired people at the stake!
Which is unlikely to happen of course

so you got stick for having ginger hair...alot of people get stick for all sorts of things not just ginger haired people...you just to rise above it!
your really just jealous..that theres more blonde jokes than ginger jokes!
Ok you win i give up i shall retreat to my corner :gagged: