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Rating your meets

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I've just been thinking (possibly stimulated by sorting out my mailbox - see other thread) about the people I've met on here.
(Note for BIoke, if he reads this: I'm rating meets... not meat. :rascalsmile
In my head, I can 'rate' or categorise the meets I've had.
There are a few which stand out and totally make my top ten on many levels and for many reasons. Then there are others that fall into the 'remember fondly' category and others that kinda drift into the 'remember smugly' category. lol
I only have a couple that are relegated to the 'would rather forget' pile. I've been lucky.
I've had meets that are now a reliable source of ladywank material... in fact, there's a fair few of them! wink
When you look back at meets you've had, how do you categorise them?
Quote by noladreams
I'm rating meets... not meat. :rascalsmile

I should hope not, you've never met me
(btw, i'm at least 11 out of 10) :smug:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
(btw, i'm at least 11 out of 10) :smug:

I have heard you say this before but I cant comment as I have never met you :lol2: Perhaps I should :rascal:
Back on topic :lol2: I can honestly say that pretty much every meet I have had on this site has been a :scared: never to be repeated moment.... My best meets have been with vanilla's that know about my swinging activities biggrin
Quote by noladreams
I've just been thinking (possibly stimulated by sorting out my mailbox - see other thread) about the people I've met on here.
(Note for BIoke, if he reads this: I'm rating meets... not meat. :rascalsmile
In my head, I can 'rate' or categorise the meets I've had.
There are a few which stand out and totally make my top ten on many levels and for many reasons. Then there are others that fall into the 'remember fondly' category and others that kinda drift into the 'remember smugly' category. lol
I only have a couple that are relegated to the 'would rather forget' pile. I've been lucky.
I've had meets that are now a reliable source of ladywank material... in fact, there's a fair few of them! wink
When you look back at meets you've had, how do you categorise them?

Quote by Kaznkev
Nola didnt you know your only supposed to start threads complaing you dont get any meets!

We have never had a meet we wanted to forget,but they do fall into ,"God hot at the time "and "God when can we see them again,"
and one person who is just .................beyond definition
our real problem is time to meet those again we would like to

Below is the exact rating score for all of our meets over the last 5 years
Thanks for taking the time to read.
spam has to be top of the list... if with cheese and crisps, maybe a little coleslaw and watercress in crusty bread. Oh, and picallili lili ish
pastrami next, in the above combination.
I categorise mine on the Richter scale!
There's only been one, really, that I remember with a little judder of semi-revulsion!
that wasn't richter, that was rectum
Quote by __random_orbit__
that wasn't richter, that was rectum

Quote by TheLovelyOne
I categorise mine on the Richter scale!
There's only been one, really, that I remember with a little judder of semi-revulsion!

Is that why Penarth Pier collapsed??!!
Quote by westerross
I categorise mine on the Richter scale!
There's only been one, really, that I remember with a little judder of semi-revulsion!

Is that why Penarth Pier collapsed??!!
Penarth Pier collapsed? When? I know there are some bits of rotten plank...but...
Meets from SH to date = 0/0
Meets from other sites = 0/0
Follow up meets after a "getting to know you at a club" = biggrin
Therefore, I get to know people in the flesh, THEN arrange to meet (again). That way I know if there is a spark I'd like to explore and save a wasted journey. (yeh, I'm fussy) :giggle:
Quote by Nimbus
I categorise mine on the Richter scale!
There's only been one, really, that I remember with a little judder of semi-revulsion!

Is that why Penarth Pier collapsed??!!
Penarth Pier collapsed? When? I know there are some bits of rotten plank...but...

it couldn't withstand the weight of tune's irony ...
Quote by meat2pleaseu
I'm rating meets... not meat. :rascalsmile

I should hope not, you've never met me
(btw, i'm at least 11 out of 10) :smug:
You're on the 'to-do' list, if you're good.. and hung :twisted:
Oh and he-llo.. long time.... hope you're well mate :)
I've had some 'OMG.. wow!' meets (it wasn't Meaty!), some 'that was nice!' meets and one or two 'that was wierd' meets but never any that I'd like to foget. OK, maybe one, but a long time ago.
I've also had some really cool meets but then the people (guys) involved have turned into complete dickheads afterwards (maybe a guilt thing?) and behaved like I killed their pet rabbit when I tried to say 'hello' again! Those meets then go into the 'never to be repeated' zone for me on the basis that if they can't behave politely in and out of their clothes then I ain't bothered about meeting them again.
Ours have all been lovely smile As far as I can remember redface
Quote by BIoke
I'm rating meets... not meat. :rascalsmile

I should hope not, you've never met me
(btw, i'm at least 11 out of 10) :smug:
You're on the 'to-do' list, if you're good.. and hung :twisted:
Oh and he-llo.. long time.... hope you're well mate :)

Hussey lol