I’ve been a member of this site for a little over 1 year & I’ve forgot one of the things that I should of made you aware of ? The subject in question is:
BBC Radio 1 ‘Worldwide’, Presented by Gilles Peterson.
This show is every Sunday 11pm till 1am Monday. It showcases some of the best cutting edge music in the World. Everything & anything but it all goes well; am sure that if you listened you would at least find some things you enjoyed.
This show is the type of thing that BBC Radio 1 & possibly the BBC in general should achieve as it’s not got the issue of commercialism / advertisements. So they should do what they feel instead of playing safe & showing repeats of ‘Dad’s Army’.
If you cannot make Sunday’s then you can listen to this show over 7 Days / 24hrs @:
I hope you get as much enjoyment form this great great show that I get. This is the reason WHY people should pay the T.V License if they CAN afford it because not all the money goes into the BBC Television Projects.