Bah, only got 80%, but then again I didn't spend a lot of time studying.
blimey, 85% :shock:
not bad, could do with a little more practice maybe? :twisted:
i don't partake in such horrendous activities,that is boobist in the extreme,fake or real are equal!
100% although I did hesitate for a sec on the final one.
I would I'd be better hands on :P
well.,...............could hope :shock:
85% correct 100% enjoyable.
90% even though a couple were guesses
85% ... spend every night with fake 34C's ... thought I'd do better !! x
90% here also.
although one i thought one thing and pressed the other.....but i was excited lol.
Just 75%
but i have to say... they just had the big ones as the fakes... i'm sure there are some lasses who'd be happy with B cups!