Should we advertise for some women folks as there never seems to be any here lol
has anyone ever told you its quality not quantity that counts and the women we have on here ae easily the best you will ever find
WOW ok ok I didnt mean to court danger lol
RIGHT all the women line up here lets do a head count ! lmao
Facilitator, you might find it easier to count if they're naked. Just a suggestion.
Why would it be easier? Because you'll have every man on SH counting along with you. You'll get every answer from "drool" to "gosh, there's a lot of them", but that doesn't matter. Simple statistics: the more samples you've got, the more confidence you can have in the average.
Why, yes. I did fail the statistics unit I took at university. Why do you ask?
One thing that is in scandalously short supply here is Ducks. Quack.
What honour is that, then?
no women on this site really :twisted:
I'm still undecided :shock:
Odds are not great, it is pure statistics (I too failed) but the 3 women I have met through this site have all been fabulous and the women that write in this forum keep me coming back time and again, I think its their wit but its probably their tits.