Help!! anyone know how to get red wind of a cream carpet?
They do say use white wine to dilute it and then dab it with kitchen roll. But I'd have thought fizzy water would do just as well.
Red Wine? Straight away pour White Wine on the affected area and soak up. Then wash in cold water and ammonia.
I havnt got soda water or amonia!!
I have also heard that you should use white wine how ever this seems insane to me take coffee for example would you pour tea on it no this would make a bloody mess of your front room
Molly xx
Pour salt all over it, hoover it straight up.
Pour some more salt on it and leave for about 10 mins, hoover it again and then gently clean with slightly soapy water. Dry with a cloth then Hoover again and leave to dry.
Definately white wine or soda water!!
Fear not Foxylady - you don't have to have soda water to hand straight away I believe it can remove stains that have been there a while. This is a useful website -
I also heard vinegar does the trick too
Good luck
Tried the white wine and a quarter of a bottle latter the stains much less!!!
Which just leaves me with one more problem, What am i going to do with the rest of the white wine!!Thats a question that dosnt need an answer by the way!!
Tahnks eveeryone
Look I had Red Wine all over an expensive cream carpet, right in th middle of the room, and you expect me to be able to spell!!!!!
Anyway it worked and allso helped restore my faith in the people on here!!
Thanks again
cant find the pointy uppy things,its my pleasure to b under u tho,as motson once said,...look at that,just look at that,....says all really,...nite princess,hope yer bum sleeps in silks,........dx
foxylady 123 layzeedean is..admiring a rival bum on another thread -
the bum tart!
No names but the lady in question wears underwear that proclaims her Scottish pride!
I cannot deny my own adoration of such matters - hers wiggles - yours is static - both are equally valid in my eyes :smitten: :shock: