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Relaxation techniques?!

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Sex God
I'm appealing to all of you here for suggestions!! Later this week I have my driving test and am absolutely terrified.. always have hated tests so this will be no different! I just want a way of relaxing between now and then so if I do make any mistakes it won't all be due to me being a nervous wreck!!!!
Already started with the panics and theres still a couple more days to go.. so please help me.. I'm on my knees begging!!!! :crazy:
It's a bit late to start now if your test is this week, but i would've suggested Tai Chi - it's fabulous. Total relaxation.
I would advise you to look on the net or find a book about breathing exercises and meditation. Both Tai Chi and yoga incorporate breathing exercises to help relaxation and focussing your mind.
Good Luck!! PMA - you can do it!
Relaxation tip:
Close your eyes (but not when driving!) or find a point to focus on. Take a deep breath and as you slowly let it out, just say 'Relaaaaaaaxxxx'
Do this at least twice more. After you have let the breath out, just smile. You don't need to be lying down for this, so you can do it just before the test to set your mood right. Try not to think of anything negative and think of all the positive things you have done on your driving lessons. Never think of the time you clipped the curb or didn't use your mirrors. Just think of all the good lessons and how good you felt afterwards.
If that doesn't work, get Rob to drive you on Friday!!
Best of luck - honestly! kiss
Warming the Bed
Assuming your nerves are not preventing you sleeping, then there are a couple of very simple exercises to calm the nerves and slow the heart beat.
Inhale deeply through the nose for a slow count of 3; hold to a slow count of 3 without tensing up; exhale slowly and completely to a slow count of 5 until the lungs are completely empty........ Repeat exercise for about 5 minutes, if time allows.
In a quiet environment, for preference lie flat on your back, perhaps with the head supported or, failing that, sit in a comfortable chair. Hands should be flat on the floor or resting on your thighs. Close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing every single muscle in your body, starting with your toes and feet and work your way up the whole length of the body, finishing with hands and fingers ....... If you combine this with the first exercise, you may even find you have dropped off to sleep.
Get your partner to give you a proper(!) back and neck massage using suitable realxing oils. There are plenty of books on technique, but if being massaged by a bloke, make sure he is not too heavy-handed - a common fault.
There are several other exercises, but I guess this will do for now, but the aim is to slow the heartbeat and/or to take the tension out of the body..... Hope this is of help.
I don't know about relaxation techniques unlike my partner i'm not really into what i call "Hippy shit"!!!
However as an ex motorcycle instructor I can assure you though that the examiners are not out there to fail you. Unlike the urban myth there aren't any qoutas so if they have passed 4 people in the morning they do not have to fail you etc. Whether you pass or fail is based on strict criteria, at the end of the day there job is to ensure that you are not a danger to yourself, your friends / family or anyone else. On the score sheet are minor faults and major faults, a major fault is an instant fail. You can accumulate a few minor faults before you fail. So if you make what you consider to be a fault forget about it, don't give up for the rest of the test, as the examiner may not have deemed it serious. Concentrate on the basics its amazing how people forget stuff within the first few minutes, ie remember seatbelts, start in neutral etc. Often if you show a degree of skill in the first 5 minutes the examiner will be at ease and not pick up every fault for the rest of the journey if you nearly kill him in the first 5 minutes, he will be watching your every move as his life is at risk. The examiner is also not out to trick you ie they won't not wear their seatbelt to fail you etc. If you don't understand or mishear the examiner ask for clarification. If he asks you to turn first right and you miss the turn carry on and take the next turn, as long as you do this safely he will not fail you, if you realise your mistake, reverse inapropriately and swerve in front of someone he will fail you. The only time this won't work is if you consistently avoid a manouvre he suggests, ie if he asks you to turn right 20 times and 20 times you don't he may feel you have issues with that manouvre and fail you for lack of confidence. If you do break down (mentally) pull over in a safe position gather yourself and restart. Remember basics mirrors, signals, blind spot checks etc. He will expect you to be nervous he will expect you to make mistakes, i myself have taken and passed three driving / riding tests yet still feel i am learning driving skills, remember he too had to learn to drive and has since been retested many times to become an examiner.
Have confidence in your ability, your instructor should not have put you forward for test if you were not ready
Know that you know your stuff, in order to get this far you have passed your theory exam so you know the theory behind roadcraft
Don't believe urban myth, "Big John" fails everyone in the afternoon etc
Have fun
If you really do need help your GP may prescribe something to calm you but personally i think they impair ability
If you fail (you won't) then be safe in the knowledge it is because an aspect of your driving is not 100% safe, you would not want dangerous drivers on the road when your friends, family or you are out and about neither does the examiner
Finally calm the nerves by thinking of what this may open up to you, i don't know what tickles your fancy, but trips to beaches, fields, friends, family, munches, swings etc will all be at your disposal.
Personally driving is one of the best things i have done. It opened up many opportunities in life
As my partner is a member of this site i hope she reads this and is inspired to start lessons again herself, i tried to get her restarted but she hasn't so far. Do it hun then we can see each other more often
Sorry for the long post
What he just said as well!!
In edit, what both of them said!!
Sex God
Thankyou for all your tips so far! biggrin
Luckily my driving test is at am and I will have an hours lesson before hand, so won't have too much time to worry on the actual day. Although I will definately be getting up extra early to read through this again and do some breathing etc, and will get Rob to give me a massage the night before so I should have a good nights sleep. I have got some 'polish up' lessons between now and the test so as long as I don't make any silly mistakes, I'm hoping they will build my confidence!
Thanks again kiss
Warming the Bed
Just don't confuse being relaxed with getting shagged senseless the night before .... lol!
Mine was at in the morning at Wh***y Ran*e test centre.
It took me two attempts to pass because the first time I got the "hatchet man" who was clearly not going to pass me no matter what and made me so nervous I forgot to indicate off a tiny little mini roundabout and did my three point turn in five moves... which is allowed but he failed me for this.
Next time I relaxed more by listening to some music before I went into the test centre because I find this draws my attention to other things rather than worrying. Sing along and make yourself laugh. Take a deep breathe before you get into the car and tell yourself......
I can do this, I can pass this, I am good enough.
Good luck. kiss
Sex God
As a practitioner in "hippy shit" can I recommend Bach's Rescue Remedy? It's sold in most health food shops and is brilliant at calming nerves and promoting balance. Just a couple of drops the day before and then in the morning should suit you fine.
Also I'd promote drinking plenty of water the day before and getting a good nights sleep as your mind will be clearer and more focused.
I failed my first test through total stupidity but passed my second shortly after, you'll be fine and probably won't feel as bad as bad as you think you will.
Good Luck !
Just to clarify i wasn't berating alternative methods, calling them "hippy shit" is an in joke between me and my partner whom also goes on this site. She is into alternative stuff in a big way as was my soon to be (please, please, PLEASE!!!) ex-wife. I've tried alternative stuff and on the whole enjoyed most experiences, Reiki, massage etc. Just wanted to help xxdevil69.
And xxdevil69 just imagine your examiner naked, don't know if that method works or not, just remember his nakedness is nothing to do with swinging heaven!! Don't act upon your imagination,lol
Hopefully this will bump the thread up for you and you will get more answers
go for an aromatherapy massage, works for me everytime
Good luck biggrin
Sex God
Well I had 2hr lesson today and have decided that I will be fine on my test...... as long as I don't have to do any reversing!!! :shock:
Warming the Bed

ok you've had all the relaxing stuff, but the main thing you got to have is self confidence and self believe, go with the attituide your going to pass. Say it to yourself over an over again till your nearly shouting it if you have to.
look the instructor right in the eye with a you dare fail me look, and look in your mannerisums(?) that you're been doing this all your life. If you make a mistake don't dwell on it, forget it it's gone.
nervousness breeds nervousness, act timid and unsure you will act that way,
a friend of mine actually said everything he was doing and saw as he was carrying out the actions ie mirrors, signal, now manovre. said out loud what road signs he could see,
I just glared at the instuctor everytime i saw him write anything down until he would look at me before he went to write.
go with the it's just another drive of the car an you'll do just fine
I take it you will be posting how you got on by the way??????
Sex God
I'll definately keep you all informed.. got another lesson tomorrow then thursdays the big day. Although already had my feet in the foot spa tonight, so the relaxation is well under way!!!! biggrin
You can do it!!!!! Going to cross my bits for you!!!
Sex God
Going to cross my bits for you!!!

Hmmmm sounds interesting.. I'm sure if I imagine that as well as the naked instructor I should have no probs!!! rotflmao
Warming the Bed
Lay naked, face down on a table or flat surface with aromatic candles burning in the room with your favourite scent and most importantly not a sound and don't have the room to warm either.
Get your partner or playmate (also naked) to take a bottle of scented oil and gently pour into their hands and warm slightly. Gently apply this across the whole of the body to give a thin layer of oil allover. Then have the partner or playmate use their fingertips to stroke your body until the oil has gone, turn yourself over and repeat, not missing a single part of the body.
You would not believe how relaxing this is especially if there isn't a sound, and there are 2 outcomes to this. 1. you get so horny you just want to have some there and then or 2. you fall asleep and the partner or playmate has to settle for Mrs palm and her four duaghters.
If you would like to try this?
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much of what's been posted is really helpful, and i can't add much to it. the breathing technique ((( deep slow breath, hold, long outbreath, hold etc ))) is really good, particularly on the night before the test if you have trouble sleeping, and in the morning to calm your nerves. try and keep your mind blank while you do it. focus on a blackboard and let any thoughts or worries just rise up and slide by. once you are calm, try and visualise yourself doing all the things the examiner will ask you. go through the motions for an emergency stop or 3 point turn in your imagination till you have every move down pat. repeating to yourself phrases like i will pass, this is easy, i'm a good driver or whatever reassures you will help no end. trust me this kind of visualisation and self-hypnosis works.
best of luck!
neil x x x ;)
Master of Sex
agree with all the relaxation tips...they're all the instructor naked....i find it helpful to imagine scary people in a bright red leather look thong, or spangly lurex thong...with GREAT BIG black doc marten boots....and nothing else!! works on headmasters too!!!!!!
My friend failed her test four times..... for her 5th attempt she didn't even bother taking more lessons, just wore an improbably short skirt and a top that made her tits hang out..... And yes she did pass... without even a minor fault. (almost makes me wish I had tits)
I know its base... I know its cheating.... but if you have it use it... and thinking about flashing some crotch to a fusty old driving instructor would probably take your mind right off worrying about driving!!!! smile:):)
Warming the Bed
This is probably too late (which is just as well) and by now I hope you passed but incase you didnt , just before your next test.................get absolutely Rat arsed. It never fails to relax me, and white lightning is a very fast hit and cheaper than special brew !!!!
Hope this helped lol
Sex God
YAYAYAYAY!!! I PASSED! biggrin :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Always knew you would honey, kiss !
Think i got a bit carries away with 'cut and paste' - sorry! redface
I think it had a lot to do with the fact my bits were crossed!!!!
Can i uncross them now?
Well done hun, knew you could do it
Sex God
yes you can uncross your bits now!!! Thanks everyone for your hints and tips on getting through it.. they obviously worked!!! passionkiss