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Religion and Swinging

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Quote by quimninja305070
just a quicky, are many of you religious? the reason im asking is because with traditional wedding vowes (christian/catholic). the whole stay faithfull to only you thing comes into it, just wondering how religion and swinging can coinside, would like the views of people who are born again especially.

You left out the 'With thy body I thee wed' bit ..... and more importantly 'Love, honour and OBEY' ... hehehe
I'm not religious really so I don't give a bollox how swinging fits in with Christianity. I can't shag down the local church but I can shag down the local swinging club - go figure. (Has anyone ever met a priest at a swinging event?)
i didn't have obey in my vowes confused
U can pretty much write your own now days
And also i do not consider myself to be unfaithful if i swing with my hubby but i do understand what u mean, i don't see why having faith means u can't enjoy a good sex life but each to their own i suppose.
We know a female vicar that swings, so just goes to show u get all walks of life lol
good points as always, peeps esp: naughty, im not religious myself if id say i was the most opposed to religion you could be but i do respect beliefs and i do think there is a god/s if only in the mind of the person with faith, my opinion tho, every bodys entitled to one lol
Quote by Mark
just a quicky, are many of you religious?

Yep, I'm certain some people are religious here (in the sense of being Christians): Christian Swingers
I always find the debate about Christianity and swinging fascinating. Just the other evening I was chatting to a Vicar about it over a glass or two. He's one of the new groovey breed, down with the kids, swearing and drinking types... a very liberated fellow in fact!
His wife didn't seem convinced, but he didn't appear to be having many problems with the idea... dunno
Check out for more information on it :shock:
well they are human! with all the urges and fantasies that go with it.
I've just split this topic - just to prevent certain issues blinding the thread and the real question wink
But I've buggered it up and left quimninja305070s post behind rolleyes But the original starting post is still in Wishmasters post anyway confused
Ooooh shit, now the doorbells going :?
oooooops sorry for the grief misschief. confused
I've just split this topic - just to prevent certain issues blinding the thread and the real question wink
But I've buggered it up and left quimninja305070s post behind rolleyes But the original starting post is still in Wishmasters post anyway confused
Ooooh shit, now the doorbells going :?
how dare you misschief if thats your real name... i might just slip out of this wet suite and into a dry no probs chick, this way wishy`l end up gettin the slaps of the religious zealots
I've just split this topic - just to prevent certain issues blinding the thread and the real question wink
But I've buggered it up and left quimninja305070s post behind rolleyes But the original starting post is still in Wishmasters post anyway confused
Ooooh shit, now the doorbells going :?
just looked at the link to "my kind guy", funny as fuck and the worst thing is i love that song pmsl sad or wot
Quote by quimninja305070
how dare you misschief if thats your real name... i might just slip out of this wet suite and into a dry no probs chick, this way wishy`l end up gettin the slaps of the religious zealots

I'll ave you know that is my real name!!! Tis on my SH birth certificate and everything!!!!! :jagsatwork:
And now you've changed the subject and hijacked your own thread ......... or you would've hijacked your own thread, had I not lost it confused
So you've now hijacked Wishys thread smackbottom
Anyway back on topic, cos it is a good topic, too good to be hijacked so soon!! :jagsatwork:
Quote by Wishmaster
(Has anyone ever met a priest at a swinging event?)

Oh yes..... there was a priest attend one of my parties....
You can see him here in the background, blessing the young lady being caned....

We also were blessed by a Cardinal :shock:

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I've just split this topic - just to prevent certain issues blinding the thread and the real question wink
But I've buggered it up and left quimninja305070s post behind rolleyes But the original starting post is still in Wishmasters post anyway confused
Ooooh shit, now the doorbells going :?

Is this similar to when about 5 to 7 months ago you deleted a whole load of threads by error lol :lol: :lol:
Ok on my way back to work :evil2: :evil2: :bolt: :bolt:
no sarah its my fault for being a naughty boy. lol
Quote by Sarah
Is this similar to when about 5 to 7 months ago you deleted a whole load of threads by error lol :lol: :lol:
Ok on my way back to work :evil2: :evil2: bolt :bolt:

Sarah!!! <chases Sarah back to work> smackbottom
Actually youre right rotflmao similar although not quite as drastic as my deleting rampage that time confused redface
But it was all Easyeases fault, and quimninja305070s (I've gotta shorten that name!!), tweren't mine :smug:
Is this similar to when about 5 to 7 months ago you deleted a whole load of threads by error lol :lol: :lol:
Ok on my way back to work :evil2: :evil2: bolt :bolt:

Sarah!!! <chases Sarah back to work> smackbottom
Actually youre right rotflmao similar although not quite as drastic as my deleting rampage that time confused redface
But it was all Easyeases fault, and quimninja305070s (I've gotta shorten that name!!), tweren't mine :smug:huh, who pressed the delete button?! a work man always blames the tools pmsl <-----------im impessed with that one ...even if i did call myself a tool
back to the subject, any more christians out there care to share a view, a quick hijack as well (it aint my thread now), what makes your religion correct, alot of religions have similarities, but for instance a christian would never believe in multiple gods.?
Quote by quimninja305070
but for instance a christian would never believe in multiple gods.?

so what happens when they're in the throes of passion then?? They keep going "Oh god, oh god, oh god, ohhhhhhhhh god" ..... are they talking to the same god? Do they think he can't hear em or he's ignoring em? :undecided:
Or are they talking to loads of gods?? dunno
Edit: rotflmao Was going to ask why they just didnt say their partners name, for instance "oh Wayne"
And now I'm stuck with the bluddy lyrics in my head, of that well known hymn
Ah Wayne a Manger :karaoke:
suppose the big man gets mentioned a bit in the scene confused
"Oooohhh God!" blink
Well, definately going to hell for that one :gagged: :sticky: smackbottom :smackbottom:
edit..........Miss Chief beat me to the most obvious joke :smackbottom: , my fault for typing slowly and posting it once on the wrong thread :doh:
but for instance a christian would never believe in multiple gods.?

so what happens when they're in the throes of passion then?? They keep going "Oh god, oh god, oh god, ohhhhhhhhh god" ..... are they talking to the same god? Do they think he can't hear em or he's ignoring em? :undecided:
Or are they talking to loads of gods?? dunno
Edit: rotflmao Was going to ask why they just didnt say their partners name, for instance "oh Wayne"
And now I'm stuck with the bluddy lyrics in my head, of that well known hymn
Ah Wayne a Manger :karaoke:
confusedi think the only religion or god that would be interested in this case is pagan, which is what i would be if i were religious, the scientist in me just wont let me tho
I've just split this topic - just to prevent certain issues blinding the thread and the real question wink
But I've buggered it up and left quimninja305070s post behind rolleyes But the original starting post is still in Wishmasters post anyway confused
Ooooh shit, now the doorbells going :?

Eh? ......... have I inherited a thread here..... did someone die and leave me it in their will.... is there anything else for me in the estate ... like a new car, couple of quid perhaps?
There's a very famous saying attributed to Jesus Christ, "He (or she) who is without sin, let them cast the first stone".
I myself have a belief, not Christianity, but I wholeheartedly agree with the above remark. I'm happy to avail myself for consentual fun with different people even though it contradicts my creed. However, I also think life ought to be experienced in all of its facets. I guess I'm a very liberal chap.
I've been having a pm that had me in tears with laughter then came in here to read this.......
I've just split this topic - just to prevent certain issues blinding the thread and the real question wink
But I've buggered it up and left quimninja305070s post behind rolleyes But the original starting post is still in Wishmasters post anyway confused
Ooooh shit, now the doorbells going :?

Edit: :rotflmao: Was going to ask why they just didnt say their partners name, for instance "oh Wayne"
And now I'm stuck with the bluddy lyrics in my head, of that well known hymn
Ah Wayne a Manger :karaoke:

Absolute classics :rotflmao:
Missy I love it when you're on a roll :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
i know it was this am you were discussing the topic of swining and religion but i thought it was a very interesting question. I am religious - christian, firstly i'm swining with my hubby so thats not unfaithful but i think that you can still have your belief's and enjoy life, just because you start swining doesn't mean you stop believing in your God.
I don't know just my thoughts on the matter confused:
Quote by asiangent
There's a very famous saying attributed to Jesus Christ, "He (or she) who is without sin, let them cast the first stone".
I myself have a belief, not Christianity, but I wholeheartedly agree with the above remark. I'm happy to avail myself for consentual fun with different people even though it contradicts my creed. However, I also think life ought to be experienced in all of its facets. I guess I'm a very liberal chap.

I think you'll find that the correct accreditation should go to Michael Palin in The Life of Brian. He said it first... hehehe ....... for those that don't know The Life of Brian is a film about a guy who rose to fame in Weston-super-Mare, (our lord John Cleese), around the same time as Jesus Christ - see, even the initials are the same - JC. (ok, a blatant steal from Not The Nine O'Clock News but who cares.)
Quote by cat02_dave
i know it was this am you were discussing the topic of swining and religion but i thought it was a very interesting question. I am religious - christian, firstly i'm swining with my hubby so thats not unfaithful but i think that you can still have your belief's and enjoy life, just because you start swining doesn't mean you stop believing in your God.
I don't know just my thoughts on the matter confused:

You did mean swinging didn't you, as opposed to shagging pigs? lol
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph aaaaaaaaaargh #bites tongue# lol
oops yes definitly swinging.
Quote by easyease
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph aaaaaaaaaargh #bites tongue# lol

Would that make you one of the silent majority then? wink
wont be long before people are tellin me to shut the flip up freckle.... smile
Quote by easyease
wont be long before people are tellin me to shut the flip up freckle.... smile

Shut the flip up!