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Rememberance Day.

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I've just got back from attending the local village War Memorial Rememberance Service. The attendance was very small, but it is a small village. There were several veterans of WW 2, Korea, and later conflicts present as their medals showed, and a few War Widows or relatives of the fallen.
The Last Post was sounded by a serving soldier, home on leave. He played with a pure crystal clarity, not a note was wrong. I noted the tears in the eyes of all these brave elderly men, who were remembering their friends and comrades who fell in action and thus are 'forever young'. As always, it was a very emotional and moving moment.
What did upset me was the fact that during this very short service, a number of 'boy racers' drove past the memorial with their car radios or CD players blasting out 'Rap or other modern 'crap music'. I must admit I wondered for a moment where their sense of respect was. Perhaps it's because modern eduction doesn't teach true history any more. it appears to be full of the modern 'politically correct' version of history instead of the truth.
I'm glad there were some at least, who turned out on this very frosty morning to say WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.
Ex serviceman who was fortunate enough not to be called to arms.
Hiyas HarryO hun,
We watched the service and displays on BBC 1 yesterday as always xx
We would so loved to have gone to a service today but due to recovering from major op we couldn't xx
We are great believers of Rememberence and feel it should go on for ever xx
Alas with the dwindling numbers there are thoughts of ' not bothering ' in years to come but we remember all lives lost throughtout time xx
Thank You for another enspired posting hun xx
Take care of yourself xx
Love and hugs xx
I too attended a Rememberance parade this morning - the 'Last Post' & 'Sunset' bring a lump every time, lamps were sung and a sandbag or too were pulled, and more than a pint or two was taken of behalf of oppos not here to drink their own.
We had an arsehole pull up by the memorial with his stereo blasting, while the bugler sounded last post, though he was soon seen off by the Police on duty.
Will rememberance have less impact in the future - I doubt it, the Armed Forces are still loosing men even now. Those men all have families, and all live in communities. Their losses are felt and people remember.
The Armed forces have been in action every year except one since the end of world war two, in what have been classed as 'Britains small wars' and in peace keeping duties with the UN. Men, all somebodies Son's, Husbands, brothers, uncles, granads etc have given their lives in all those 'conflicts'.
Remember also those who survived, and need the support of the Royal British Legion and other such organisations, those wounded both mentally and physical, suffering the effect of PTSD, Gulf war syndrome and the like.
A small 'ditty' is doing the rounds of ex-service organisations to remind us that survivors to need to be remembered.........
When you pin that poppy on and remember those who died
Remember too, the men who fought beside them and survived
They came home to start again and struggled with their mind
To forget the horror of the days and hell they left behind
Wounded though they did not bleed they cried for close friends lost
But fought on bravely, for they knew freedom was worth the cost
Though they are old and scarred for life they suffered for us all
And in dreams, the battles rage and fallen comrades call
So when you hear that honour roll the names of those who died
Remember too, the men who fought beside them and survived

As is listed on the Kohima memorial in India, where heavily outnumber commenwealth troops stopped the Japanese overrunning India:
"When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"

We will remember them.