I've just got back from attending the local village War Memorial Rememberance Service. The attendance was very small, but it is a small village. There were several veterans of WW 2, Korea, and later conflicts present as their medals showed, and a few War Widows or relatives of the fallen.
The Last Post was sounded by a serving soldier, home on leave. He played with a pure crystal clarity, not a note was wrong. I noted the tears in the eyes of all these brave elderly men, who were remembering their friends and comrades who fell in action and thus are 'forever young'. As always, it was a very emotional and moving moment.
What did upset me was the fact that during this very short service, a number of 'boy racers' drove past the memorial with their car radios or CD players blasting out 'Rap or other modern 'crap music'. I must admit I wondered for a moment where their sense of respect was. Perhaps it's because modern eduction doesn't teach true history any more. it appears to be full of the modern 'politically correct' version of history instead of the truth.
I'm glad there were some at least, who turned out on this very frosty morning to say WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.
Ex serviceman who was fortunate enough not to be called to arms.