Sarah's sig reminded me that Remembrance Day is not too far away and, regardless of your views and stance on war in general, I trust you will wear your poppies with pride.
I found a unique way to donate to the poppy appeal just now. For a donation of you can download a poppy onto your mobile phone. Mine is now my screensaver and wallpaper and will remain there until after 11/11. You also get a text on the 10th to remind you about the 2 minute silence on the 11th.
For the download please visit
Less we forget
Thank you Sassy
Well done Sassy. This is very close to my heart and I wear my poppy with pride every year, attend remembrance services and encourage those around me to respect the 2 minute silence. I also believe adults should encourage their children to wear poppies to school too, to keep it from fading within our children's generation (which sadly it has) even though as Phredd said they do know of today's wars.
Thank you Sassy, that has lifted my day.
pink x
I was that which others did not want to be.
I went where others feared to go,
and did what others failed to do.
I asked nothing from those who gave nothing,
and reluctantly accepted the though of eternal loneliness...should I fail.
I have seen the face of terror;
Felt the stinging cold of fear;
and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love.
I have cried, pained, and hoped...but most of all,
I have lived times others would say were best forgotten.
At least some day I will be able to say that I was proud of what I was....
George L Skypeck.
We are our masters servants.
MY grandfather on my dads side would never go to any parade, he always said that after he got back from the war the goverment forgot about him(and other servicemen).
The same still applies now, soldiers get treated very badly when they leave the army.
absent friends
this thread just brought a lump to my throat
Thanks Sassy - Only thing I need to do is to try and find somewhere I can get a poppy for my suit! - There hard to come by.
Will dig out my suit and medal, pin on a poppy and take a walk to the war memorial in town. Remember absent friends and those who went before and those who are still to go
For those of you who wish to observe it, don't forget the 2 minute silence today at 11am.
"Please buy a poppy" the lady said
And smiled at me, but I shook my head
Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there
Her face was old and lined with care.
But underneath those wrinkles the years had made
There remained a smile that refused to fade.
A lad came whistling down the street
Bouncing along on carefree feet.
His smile was full of joy and fun
"Hello Missus" he said "Can I have one?"
She pinned it on and he turned to say
"Why do we wear a poppy today?"
The lady smiled in her wistful way
And answered "This is Remembrance Day
And the poppy here is a symbol for
Those gallant young men who went to war.
And because they did, you and I are free
That is why we all wear a poppy you see.
I once had a boy about your size
With golden hair and big blue eyes
He loved to play and jump and shout
Free as a bird he would race about
As the years went by he learned and grew
And became a man - as you will too
He was fine and strong with a boyish smile
But he only stayed for a little while
When war broke out he went away
I still remember his face that day
He smiled at me and said "Goodbye,
I'll be back soon Mum so please don't cry"
But the war went on and he had to stay
And all we could do was wait and pray
His letters told of the awful fight
I read them still in my dreams at night
With the tanks and trenches and cruel barbed wire
And the mines and the bullets, the bombs and the fire
Until at last the war was won
And that's why we wear a poppy son"
The young lad turned as if to go
And said "Thanks Missus, I'm glad to know"
I shrank away in a sort of shame
And if you were me you'd have done the same
For our thanks in giving is often delayed
Though our freedom was bought - and thousands paid
And so when we see a poppy worn
Let us reflect on the burden borne
By those who gave their very all
When asked to answer their country's call
When we at home in peace might live
Then wear that poppy - remember and Give!
Don Crawford
does not posting for 2 minutes at mean the same thing?
Here's mine :-
sorry about the crap photo
Lost several good oppos, who will forever remain young 20 somethings in my memories, just one of the reasons why I will be in blazer, medals and Green Beret on parade in the morning with the local RBL.
All gave some, some gave all.
Per Mare Per Terram
Watching Fesitval of Remembrance.
I do it every year.
No-one in my immediate family fought but my father in law fought in Burma.
Think we should impress upon our youngsters the importance of this important date.
They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
Didnt know where to post this!
"At the going down of the sun, we will remember"
For Jabs, you were too young mate!
And on this day 12 months ago >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>