It's difficult but wax doesn't respond well to soap and is water-proof. You need oil or alcohol. Depends what it is actually made of (actual 'wax' is unlikely, it's more likely a resin). Try putting olive oil or baby oil on a small cloth (hanky maybe) and lay it on the wax for a few minutes. Then try to wipe it off and then wash it off. Use a skin-friendly scrubby thing like a facial buffer to help shift it. If that has no effect do the same with alcohol - vodka would be fine if you don't have any rubbing alcohol.
If you use the alcohol make sure you moisturise thoroughly afterwards.
If you are in a rush and need to dress (for a date or to got to work for instance) before you can remove it - cover it with talc to reduce the stickiness and deal with it later.
Foxylady you are a life saver lol just used some aftershave to get remove it. Thank you xxxxxxxxxx
And I was just going to suggest the age old solution.... brown paper and a hot iron! :sad: