:welcome: back Corrie. We were sad to see you go so w'ere doubly glad to see you back.
It is a difficult concept to convey to someone who doesn't indulge in posting on the site (the Cafe in particular) just precisely what it really means. If anyone can come up with a suggestion perhaps you would not object to your return instigating the revelation - I'd like to know how you do it because I've not cracked it yet despite the false dawn a week or so ago.
Ooops sorry I didn't really mean to say all that but....
Well bugger me....on second thoughts ignore that, its an exclaimation and not a request fella's.........
Corrie its good to see you back posting again. Hope your feeling fit and ready to get yer silly head on with the rest of us!!
Welcome back Corrie!
Great to see you again!
The old regs may be absent at the moment - but that hasn't led to the Cafe being devoid of humour - infact there have been some brilliantly funny and inventive threads going recently with some relative newbies really shining thru.
Big hugs,
Alex x
WAAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!
Corrie good to have you back !!!!!!!! :swingingchair: