Did anyone else just watch the bit on R&J about hungry men finding larger women sexier than skinnies?
I concluded from this.......
If a guy thinks you're sexy and asks you out for something to eat - forget dinner and go straight to bed. Once he has eaten he will see you as a fat-munter and do a runner!
i saw that! and was going to add it in to the 'does body size matter' thread.
Yeh, the jist of the study was looking at womens attractiveness to men according to size, depending on when the men had last eaten, and they found that the hungrier a man was, the larger the woman that they found attratctive, but once they had eaten, they fancied skinnier birds! hehehe!
So i'm with you polo! no dinner first!
Yes I did, very odd :shock:
Hell, in that case I'm going to hang out at the homeless shelter ... STARVING men will lurve me then ... lmao
I didn't see R&J but I've heard the same theory before. I wonder if the same is true of women?
Yeah saw it very interesting!
I'm sure I would go for the skinny woman. Treat as pork ribs. Lots of salt and paprika, in the oven, well cooked. Excellent with rice and salad.