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RIP Michael Jackson

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Quote by __random_orbit__
I wonder what caused it?
Will they blame it on the sunshine?
The moonlight?
The good times?
Or as we all suspect, was it the boogie?

have to comment here...thats bloody funny
Thanks but wish i could claim the credit...I'm merely reproducing it from here:

I was tempted to share one or two of the others but thought better of it!
Well, didn't see that one coming ...
Surprise at the news but probably none too surprising given what he did to his body ...
His legacy to pop music is possibly unrivalled. I mourn the loss of Michal by the celebration of his music.
RIP - Michael Jackon - RIP
Not wishing to be controversial here, so the following is purely my thoughts based on the little I remember from that time and just personal opinion.
Like quite a few others it seems, I was never a huge fan even in his hay day, in fact I never really appreciated his talent until my kids got into his music, I do remember many a party that was dieing on its feet until someone put a MJ track on, in my younger days as an amateur DJ, I could always guarantee to liven things up with a track or two of his.
I also recall watching a couple of televised concerts and seeing thousands upon thousands of people in utter joyful celebration of music.
Now to me, anyone who can bring so much joy, entertainment and good times to so so many people, at the very least deserves a little respect.
Judging by the things I vaguely recall from reports in the media from years back, he was a child that was used, abused, unloved, mistreated and misunderstood from a very early age dunno how much truth there is in that, who knows.
As for the other stuff, all I can remember about all that, and I have to bear in mind that I didn’t follow it that closely, is that he was never convicted of anything, nothing was ever proven and any evidence brought before the courts was scant to say the least.
If I was asked to delve into the realms of conjecture I would say the following. As far as I could see, despite his millions, despite his success, he seemed to me to be a very naive, very vulnerable, and very lonely human being. If he was a rich English gent, he would have been slotted into the eccentric pigeon hole and welcomed at the WI every Sunday. If he were a poor English bloke, he would have been classed as vulnerable with special needs and if lucky, sheltered care in the community found for him.
The fact is he was a stinking rich American and because of his vulnerability wide open to all kinds of accusations and every chancer that managed to wangle their way into his affections. Now I’m sure there are plenty out there who followed his story and subsequent court appearances much more closely than I ever did but I am a great believer in ’innocent until proven guilty ‘ so unless I was there, or have some magical ability to see the truth where no one else could find it, then I have no more right to condemn another person than they have to condemn me.
I guess unless you’ve ever been accused of something you didn’t do, that may be a difficult line to follow :dunno: but I for one will not be judge, jury and executioner, the guy is about to meet his maker, I’m sure he’ll get his just deserts, whatever they are.
In the mean time R.I.P. to a guy who brought joy to millions.
Thanks Pete can't help but nod my head in agreement with you.
This RIP thread shouldn't be sullied or tarnished it should be there to celebrate the good in his life and to mourn his passing.
Pete those are my sentiments exactly.
I was never a true Michael fan but grew up with his music always being around from the 70's. I have to say a legend that is a sad loss, someone that has spanned 30+ years and my children enjoy his music. There are not many artists that can leave behind that legacy.
I believe the most brilliant of artists if in music or art are the ones with the most troubled of mind.
People say he was an abuser, I would like to ask where were the people when he was a mere lad being abused, and exploited by many adults around him. I would say sitting back and enjoying what he was offering them his music.
People will say he had money, it is no good giving a child money to make things better and expecting them to be normal.
Money isn’t everything in life.
I believe there was one person that convinced many that he was guilty of anything and the day I watched that documentary was one of the days I thought TV could be an evil media, and that Michael Jackson was trailed that day and how so many found him guilty the poor man never stood a chance.
RIP Michael I hope you find peace in your mind wherever you are today.
Quote by noladreams
I'm an Off The Wall fan myself - think that was his best album.

Totally agree.
im in agreement with pete
and personally i feel a loss even tho i dont/didnt actually know him, i love thriller especially, both the music and the video
its also made very recent and slightly less recent events in my life come to the fore again and make me sad sad
RIP micheal
can we show some respect here please.
keep the jokes out of a thread started to show respects.
his music was far reaching and he was a star.
some people do feel a loss here and when music plays an important part in many peoples lives and a main contributor to recalling those memorys of our childhoods and lives is the music of this man then show some respect and keep your poison out of this thread.
your entitled toyour opinion, but if you have nothing to say in the vain of respect in this thread please take it else where.
i for one and very shocked and sadened at the sudden and early loss of michael.
xx fem xx
I wonder if there will be a refund at the O2 concerts
Well what can we say! Totally shocked. Never really liked the person Michael Jackson but did love his music. He was another Freddie and an ultimate showman that could never fail to impress with his music. His music will live on which is good.
R.I.P Michael
Sorry but i also can not mourn a man who was an unconvicted , no matter how good his music was......... the music has not and will not ever die but the horror and freak show that was the man has!!!!
I would also like to point out that the great Farrah Fawcett died yesterday too but this will now be overshadowed and i find that more sad.
Oh and a note to Gordon Brown today is a very good day to bury bad news!!!!!!
Quote by Pete_sw
........the guy is about to meet his maker, I’m sure he’ll get his just deserts, whatever they are.
In the mean time R.I.P. to a guy who brought joy to millions.<snip>

Well said, that man :thumbup:
I was never an MJ fan but have to take my hat off to his immense musical talent. Yes, he was a walking freak show after all the surgery and although he was cleared of the kiddie fiddling charges, mud sticks ( ain't that the truth! ) and he will always be remembered for that. I'm not going to defend him and his past though I would be more likely to point the finger at his domineering and overbearing bully of a father who robbed all the Jackson boys of their childhoods and this was probably the single most contributing factor to MJ's wacky lifestyle choices as an adult.
The music world have lost a great talent and his fans will mourn his passing. As Pete so rightly said - his day of reckoning has come and he will pay the price for any wrongdoing on this earth wherever he is now.
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I was never an MJ fan but have to take my hat off to his immense musical talent...

Hmmmmmm, he produced little of any worthyness or originality for the best part of 20 years, much of what he produced can be attributed to employing the right song writers, producers etc. even his moonwalk was most likely copied from someone dancing round on a piece of lino on a street corner.
Quote by varca
He was a sad and lonely man who never had a childhood, he sought what he missed through his Neverland dream and with people who were not his peers. That does not make him guilty of anything other than being a target for those who would seek to make money out of his naiveity.
Let him rest in peace

i couldnt say it any better than this varca.
this is a very black day.. and he will be missed.
lets just hope he is enters through the purely gates doing his moonwalk
Quote by splendid_
I mourned Elvis's death.
I don't mourn someone who was too cowardly to face a court so bought his 'innocence'. His wealth and music 'talent' do not replace the other legacies he has left on several children's lives.

I agree, can't mourn the death of a kiddie fiddler! mad
did he have a problem? yes, more than one... was he an admirable individual? probably not.
his wacko jacko persona was largely a construct of his own fantasy, fed to the media to enhance his outstanding (as in standing out) public image.
was anything remotely indictive beyond alegations by greedy parents (a minority amongst a lot of families, parents, children that went through the gates of Neverland, and testified to his good nature and against wrongdoings) been found to prove his tendencies? nope, not as far as I'm aware.
all that was proved, were a few circumstances that would have given gary glitter the perfect chance for a reacharound but should not be automatically assumed to have gone down the same path.. (I'm thinking of Elizabeth Taylor testifying she had seen MJ in bed with one of the accusing children...which of course is highly inappropriate when it's not your child... but clarifying they were watching Disney flicks... it's worthy of notice that to see this she must have been in the same room..and nobody accused her of being a /voyeur..)
I'm not making him out to be a saint, mind you..I don't much care for his wild antics and delusions of grandeur (albeit partly justified by his success)... In fact I don't believe in the whole "fandom/stardom" thing and I don't really apppreciate the man behind the music..but that's not enough to make him guilty.
the simple truth is that a man accused of being a is automatically guilty in the eyes of the media..if he gets acquitted, it's only for lack of proof, not because he's innocent..a presumed will carry the stigma to his deadbed, and always be looked at with suspicion, even after his death, unless a movie is made about his misfortunes.
... and if he's famous and rich, he automatically has bought the verdict and nobody cares that he might actually have been innocent.
and that, I think, is pretty sad.
it's a fact that we cannot judge, because nobody except the judges that had all the proofs and witnessess in front of them, ever had the means to say if he is innocent or not..and we know, or think to know, that a verdict could swing both ways, because of media pressure, legal technicalities, forged or "bought" testimony and protagonism and "commercial" interests for everybody involved..
innocence or guilt are more often than not irrelevant in such public media events. and the outcome doesn't guarantee that justice is served. but neither does it say that MJ bought his innocence.
in fact, the accusers have been caught talking openly about the economical benefits they'd get for accusing him, especially if he was proven guilty... or so some in the media say..(have these rumors been paid for by MJ to rehabilitate his name? we don't know.. has his sister retracted her accusations, based on hearsay and impressions to begin with, in exchange of money? again, could be, could be she did not.. and the list goes on.. potentially every sliver of proof could have been hidden/destroyed/bought. on the other hand, there is no proof of any of the sort, and it might very well be the other way around.)
what is undoubtely true, because friends, family, acquaintances and expert agree on it, is that MJ was a troubled person, with serious gaps in his childhood (not surprising, given his public life since the age of 5).. and who never really grew into a complete adult individual (I guess that's what neverland was all about... peterpan, ferris wheels, bouncy castles and the lot)
I just think we should, for lack of other ways to determine the truth, accept the legal verdict for what it's worth.
duh..why I got into this pages-long rant beats me, as I'm not even a proper fan..
I guess I don't like what the media does to people, both ways (I'm thinking of the nearly-sanctified Jane Goody just as much as I'm thinking about Jacko)
I had a moan the other day in the forum about threads getting locked but....I have just noticed a Michael Jackson joke thread on here. It has been locked.
On this occasion I 100% agree with that.
What the fuck is wrong with people where they find telling sick nasty twisted jokes, about somebody who has just passed away and has left 3 very young kids.
I would call that gutter humour.
My full appreciation to the mod that locked it, at least some common sense has been restored. mad
Quote by kentswingers777
I had a moan the other day in the forum about threads getting locked but....I have just noticed a Michael Jackson joke thread on here. It has been locked.
On this occasion I 100% agree with that.
What the fuck is wrong with people where they find telling sick nasty twisted jokes, about somebody who has just passed away and has left 3 very young kids.
I would call that gutter humour.
My full appreciation to the mod that locked it, at least some common sense has been restored. mad

What sickened me more was the fact that they thought jokes about children being molested were funny :twisted:
Quote by Steve
I had a moan the other day in the forum about threads getting locked but....I have just noticed a Michael Jackson joke thread on here. It has been locked.
On this occasion I 100% agree with that.
What the fuck is wrong with people where they find telling sick nasty twisted jokes, about somebody who has just passed away and has left 3 very young kids.
I would call that gutter humour.
My full appreciation to the mod that locked it, at least some common sense has been restored. mad

What sickened me more was the fact that they thought jokes about children being molested were funny :twisted:
Steve.....ya know I have read some things on here, but to start something like that on a day like this, well what do these people eat of a morning?
Dreadful absolutly dreadful....should be ashamed of themselves.
Pearly gates moon walking.......... i think not, more like the gates of hell!!!!
Quote by jumptoit
Pearly gates moon walking.......... i think not, more like the gates of hell!!!!

Sun reader
sorry but tbh i dont give a flying fook.
yes his family and friends will be distraught but so is anyone who loses a loved one
i wont dispair i wont care nor will i miss him or his music
Thank you earth for that glimmer of sanity.
Quote by flower411
Can`t say I can see what all the fuss is about.
A rich pop singer died.
As to it being "dreadful" that people should make jokes about it ......... rolleyes

Well......seeing as that was obviously aimed at me, instead of cryptic clues, why don't you just spit out what you mean??
The papers and radio stations are in full praise mode at the moment, but you can be sure that in a few short weeks we'll be seeing the other side of that coin and all the rumour, the sleaze and the allegations will be what sells the papers ... we all know this.
It's obviously sad for the family and friends, but I don't get all the weeping and wailing from the great unwashed cool
Quote by flower411
As to it being "dreadful" that people should make jokes about it ......... rolleyes

Its not jokes about people dying I object to its jokes relating to child abuse I object to and thats what was banded about in the "joke" thread that has been locked....
A very talented young lad who was spotted, made, merchandised and ultimately ruined by it all.
His wealth afforded him so much, and denied him of so much more.
Did he create some fabulous music - yes
Did he give us some great spectacle / entertainment - yes
But he was just a man in the end.
I find it a terrible shame, but equally, that same evening, there was a program on TV about homelessness.
There are so many great shames in this world that we CAN do something about and can't be bothered to.
RIP MJ. I didn't know you, I didn't love you, I was conditioned into believing I knew something of you and finally I'm conditioned to express a heightened state of emotion.
Somewhere, behind all the history, was a little black boy, born with nothing... left the world with nothing. Finally free.
Quote by TheAnalogKid
Somewhere, behind all the history, was a little black boy, born with nothing... left the world with nothing. Finally free.

Amen to that