1, they will not spend the money on the roads.
2, 1.4 million have signed the petition and yet blair will still go ahead with it, the same way ken livingstone extended the congestion zone in london.
3, the most worrying part is that will will have to have trackers fitted and the goverment will know exactly what we are up to.
I guess the gov will tender out this monitoring to a private company.
will it be like the computer cock up that we had with the CSA, and also the air traffic control 5 yrs ago.
Tom Tom sat nav uses american military satelites which could be shut down if WW3 kicked off, so i presume this system big enough to handle 20 million cars will need its own sat system too, so thats the cost of a rocket and a satelite, plus a giant computor somewhere in india.
What appeal system will be set up to deal with all the cockups?
what happens when you get over charged ?
what happens when thieves steal your car, you still have to pay
All i can see here is trouble
What about essential car users? i cant catch the bus with my job, so i pay more tax, i then put up my prices, and you the customer pays
The system will be GPS based. The system to be used is not yet launched, but will be the EUROPEAN Galileo system. Scheduled to be up-and-running by 2010. The prime minister has already said that only those that need to know will have access to information gained by the pricing system: Police, Intelligence community, taxation authorities, benefit agency, local councils, traffic wardens and the new organisation to track the inevitable avoiders. The pricing system will run alongside the soon-to-be-setup ANPR system that will track up to 30 million vehicle movements a day. Those of you who do not use public transport still pay "to use the bus", by about 4 billion a year in subsidy. Road tax may well be ended, but don't count on it. Fuel tax will not be ended....those driving will do less miles, which means less tax. Many will not drive at all, which equals less tax. Some will quickly work-out low-cost routes, which equals less tax. So, my thinking is that road tax will stay and fuel tax will not only stay but may have to rise to obtain more revenue.
Just to cause more problems, the insurers are going to roll-out the in-vehicle driving information logger...so you will be charged for the miles and times you drive. With more being paid for driving at night and early in the morning. That makes the dogging less attractive.
In short, whatever happens you're all going to be up shit creek without a paddle.
Oh, and diesel buses run on high sulphur fuel, so all this "city diesel" is shit too.
Very well informed response Jomu :thumbup:
Did anyone notice the announcement that the fines for using mobile phones are to double?
Not many people being caught 'cos the Police can't be arsed to do it and so commissar Brown's coffers are short.. so, make the dosh up by doubling fines!
When can we have our Country back, please?
Well if there was a bus service that ran somewhere near my house to my place of work I could save a hell of a lot of money and get rid of my car which managed to do a whole 1994 miles last year taking me to and from work and the occassional supermarket trip.
I work a mile and a half from home but I need my car because I haven't got time to walk home in time to pick the kids up from school, the only buses that go past here are for people who work in either of the city centres (2 each way in morning rush hour and 2 each way in the evening rush hour) so I can't rely on public transport at all to get me to work.
Having said that I personally wouldn't mind paying per mile of my journey, as long as they abolished RFL to compensate for the expense.
Does get me thinking though... what about the people who claim milage expenses for work mileage, would that 40p per mile (dropping to 25p once you go over over 10,000 miles) increase in line to cover the additional cost?
We have a grand total of around 4 buses a week.
Whilst I agree that something needs to be done about congestion I resent that I may have to say to the kids "no, we can't go to the beach this weekend", so that the affluent can drive without being caught up in traffic.
Much more needs doing to improve public transport and then to deter unnecessary car journeys.
However, has it not struck the government that charging different rates for different roads will push traffic onto routes that just can't cope?
sorry but cant be arsed to read through all the posts as im sure they the same.
IF and its a very big if they stopped road tax and adjusted fuel duty then it would be fair. but theres no way in hell they will do that its just another way of screwing money out of you to pay for thier own lifestyles.
being an MP should be about the quedos of the job and helping run the country, if you want private sector pay then get a private sector job, but they cant because most are lazy fu**ers.