Who watched the 'Take That' documentary last night ? . Started a bit of a heated discussion in our house regarding how sincere Robbies 'apologies' were . Now Mags was a big fan of Robbie , and still is , and in her eyes can do no wrong . Me thinks obviously hugely talented but with an even bigger ego .
Over the years they have all matured , a lot more philisophical about life except Robbie who seemed to have a 'huge chip on his shoulder' . I don't know why 'cos he's gone on to be the most successful .
I am a fan, but I'm getting tired of every song he writes being an introspective of how screwed up he thinks he is. I think he felt it was beneath him to see the other guys, who really know him. People like him never allow themselves to be loved, and I don't think he is ever sincere anymore.
I enjoyed the show though.
ps: sorry Mags
Great show, thought they all came across well except Robbie. Gary Barlow, you've got to feel for the guy ... but he seems happy now.
Robbie ... up himself and probably the most insecure man in the world ... he has issues ! ... maybe he should have met them all to get "closure".
They were great though Take That, saw the last concert at Earls Court (without Robbie) ... they were fantastic ...
Was Robbie sincere during the interview? I really don't think so. It all appeared to be an exercise in PR to me and the fact that it was recorded and he wouldn't actually show up to the reunion makes me think he had to do it several times before he could even come close to sounding sincere. I also think his management was worried that he wouldn't be able to control his temper, but thought that not contributing at all would look really, really bad, so they recorded a "heartfelt appology" to try to difuse a sticky situation.
All-in-all more an exercise in PR than anything else and I think the rest of the TT guys knew that as well. I honestly couldn't believe that a couple of them thought he'd show up though.
dont know what robbies problem is
what a successful career he has had
to quote lines from a take that song "never forget where your coming from"
seems robbies has
would he have been as successful if he hadnt been in take that?
as for snubbing guys you have spent so much time with
what a t@*t
thats what i think anyway
For better or for worse the guy is one of our biggest icons at the moment - hard to knock that.
I was born in the same hospital as Robbie, about 6 months before him. (I kept his bed warm!) And my mum still plays bingo with his nan.
Having had more than my fair share of "Stoke Blokes" I can honestly say I think he's typical of them, incredibly cocky but deeply insecure.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I think he was the only guy in my age range in Stoke I did'nt sleep with when I was 16.............
Or he may have been traumatised by the locals who call everyone "duck". Drives me bloody mad!!!!
Didn't watch it but . . .I do like him . . .As a VERY young adult I remember him as a mischievious young lad always making their interviews that bit different as he didn't just sit there and give crap expected answers
Like daniel bedingfield, I believe Robbie has ADHD - Daniel uses his as a creative force and is willing to talk about it - a great role model for my son. Robbie needs to learn to harness his and not use it as a destructive force - he has so many opportunities that many don't have - I could coach him - cmon Robbie - you know you want me to!