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Quote by ockysweeties
Just make sure the neighbours aren't around, unless you're into that sort of thing
Quote by Ms Amber
i am very horny....been sex texting all day and am waiting for my hubby to get home so I can jump him! lol
Quote by GenHertsCpl
Was having a discussion with me buddy NWFreckles today, saying we were both the conversation went along the lines of being at work tomorrow and something about her vibrating phone and calling herself
Cant imagine what she meant!!
Quote by NWfreckles
The conversation Mrs GHC was about the lack of me having a toy small enough that i could carry in my handbag (unlike you :giggle and as i happened to be talking to you on the phone it occured to me i could set it on vibrate and ring myself from the desk phone :smile2:........and they say i don't use my own inititive at work......
Quote by GenHertsCpl
The conversation Mrs GHC was about the lack of me having a toy small enough that i could carry in my handbag (unlike you :giggle and as i happened to be talking to you on the phone it occured to me i could set it on vibrate and ring myself from the desk phone :smile2:........and they say i don't use my own inititive at work......
Quote by rachel-lane
OMG!! im sooo horny. stuck in for the weekend all on my lonesome wishing i was else where :cry: so its the home made mc,flurrys for me tonight and ill have to pour it on me tits and lick it off myself :twisted: