So whats eveyone got planned for the Easter Bank Holiday?.
Any Fun And Frolics??.. Apart from the usual Stuffing of the Boat race with Chocolates??!! :haha: As good as that may sound.
nope home alone from friday morning till monday night boring think i might go out and get hammerd every night
Church on Sunday with the in-laws coming over for dinner... missing opportunity to drive 4x4 ambulance :cry:
Otherwise as much sleep as the kids allow :sleeping:
Well, some of us have to keep the wheels of industry turning :cry: :cry: :cry:
Ooo sounds fun heather :twisted:
Sarge will be thinking of your sacrifice for industry as I sort Sunday dinner...
Im hearing that sgt Billko.. Instead of taking fri-tues off like the rest of theTeam at work, I may actually be working. Not the whole Bank holiday though.... Even im not that crazy!. Its the double bubble that messes up my planning! :doh:
So i wonder what usual boring films will be on over easter again?... "Flight of the navigator" maybe?.. or even "the marathon man"?.. who knows?
Heather .. now im more curious then ever.. :twisted:
Damn the tasks you people set out there, so we need to shag a stranger eh. O.K. we accept that challenge...............
Hang on we dont know any strangers!
Woohoo! I got into work today (a little late), and nobody was there. It turns out we made the deadline after all, thanks to the efforts of a few people who stayed ridiculously late last night.
So now I have to remember what it is that people do on Easter weekends. Tomorrow is shopping for some clothes for the Munch. Any suggestions for the rest?
My life has just got even more exciting than it usually is.... Satin has just informed me that my Linda McCartney country pie and mash is nearly ready :happy: :happy: :happy: