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Roll On Easter Wknd

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So whats eveyone got planned for the Easter Bank Holiday?.
Any Fun And Frolics??.. Apart from the usual Stuffing of the Boat race with Chocolates??!! :haha: As good as that may sound.
nope home alone from friday morning till monday night boring think i might go out and get hammerd every night
Church on Sunday with the in-laws coming over for dinner... missing opportunity to drive 4x4 ambulance :cry:
Otherwise as much sleep as the kids allow :sleeping:
Well, some of us have to keep the wheels of industry turning :cry: :cry: :cry:
Well I shall be taking up the invitation of a certain gentlemen for a short break on the Kent Coast.... I shall come back with all sorts of schemes and plans for lots of silliness and fun wink
Trust me... you ain't never seen anything the like of which I'm planning! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Ooo sounds fun heather :twisted:
Sarge will be thinking of your sacrifice for industry as I sort Sunday dinner...

Im hearing that sgt Billko.. Instead of taking fri-tues off like the rest of theTeam at work, I may actually be working. Not the whole Bank holiday though.... Even im not that crazy!. Its the double bubble that messes up my planning! :doh:
So i wonder what usual boring films will be on over easter again?... "Flight of the navigator" maybe?.. or even "the marathon man"?.. who knows?

Heather .. now im more curious then ever.. :twisted:
All in good time, Magik...
TnH, you already have a good idea of what my plan is, don't you? No telling tales, tough! wink
Sarge. I salute you, mate! I shall be doing the Monday to keep the wheels rolling... :cry:

TnH ... Heather?... are we missing something?.. or is it just me?.. :cry:
Great minds think alike Heather wink
Well, I think we're meeting someone on Sunday night. boink :boink:
Thanks to SH and all the the advice that's on offer, if you can be bothered reading it all. :shock: :shock:
I've just got to clear it with hubby first! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Magik... you ARE missing something. I'm not talking about Rios... In the best Python tradition, it's time for something completely different :twisted: :twisted:
Novice... you go girl!
SH expects everyone to shag a stranger at least ONCE this Easter! Well, I'm gonna do my bit. wink
Whispering....."come on tell me"confused . Im getting excited now!.... but at the same time trying to remain cool about it. lol
No, no, no, Magik!
Now that would spoil the surprise if I told you... and you know you love surprises, don't you Magik? :twisted: :twisted:
You'll only have to wait til next week before all is revealed!
Guess ill have to wait then... :bounce:
.. you tease!.. lol (but thats a good thing) wink
Something tells me You know how to hit the spot dont you heather :!:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Well, some of us have to keep the wheels of industry turning :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm in the same boat Sarge :cry: however I do happen to have Easter Sunday off - but that's only because we're closed confused
Quote by Heather
SH expects everyone to shag a stranger at least ONCE this Easter! Well, I'm gonna do my bit.

Looks like I'll have to find myself a "stranger" then Heather wink :bounce:
Lucy kiss

Hey Lucy.. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink.. wink
Magik wave
Damn the tasks you people set out there, so we need to shag a stranger eh. O.K. we accept that challenge...............
Hang on we dont know any strangers!
Quote by davej
Damn the tasks you people set out there, so we need to shag a stranger eh. O.K. we accept that challenge...............
Hang on we dont know any strangers!

You could view it as someone you haven't yet met wink :grin:
Lucy kiss
Quote by davej
Damn the tasks you people set out there, so we need to shag a stranger eh. O.K. we accept that challenge...............!

My wife will have to do for me - They don't come much stranger than her !!! confused :? :?
I start Four 12 hour shifts on Easter Sunday sad Hey! I have to look on the bright side smile I won't be visiting any of those ghastly D.I.Y. stores..
I m taking my two boys to Spain over Easter so no chance of any action there...However ...does last night count towards Heathers challenge? biggrin
Theres a spring in his step this morning ...despite the bad back lol
Quote by lucyslovely
Damn the tasks you people set out there, so we need to shag a stranger eh. O.K. we accept that challenge...............
Hang on we dont know any strangers!

You could view it as someone you haven't yet met wink :grin:
Lucy kiss
Ah lucy thanks for the pointer we will start looking for someone we havnt met yet
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Damn the tasks you people set out there, so we need to shag a stranger eh. O.K. we accept that challenge...............!

My wife will have to do for me - They don't come much stranger than her !!! confused :? :?
Sarge :shock: :shock: I know your feminine side needs to come out now. I know you dont mean that!!!!!!!!
Work sad I haven't had an Easter for four years. I hate April :(
Woohoo! I got into work today (a little late), and nobody was there. It turns out we made the deadline after all, thanks to the efforts of a few people who stayed ridiculously late last night.
So now I have to remember what it is that people do on Easter weekends. Tomorrow is shopping for some clothes for the Munch. Any suggestions for the rest?
I have to work on Saturday mad
But then off to a swingers' club for the whole night :twisted:
Quote by Heather
SH expects everyone to shag a stranger at least ONCE this Easter! Well, I'm gonna do my bit. wink

As we are new here we have decided to do as we are told.
We have arranged a meet for Easter Monday, he says he is stranger than most so wish us luck.
Other than that working most of easter :cry:
I have no plans for the rest of the Easter period, but today I have been to B&Q to buy a roller blind rolleyes
I have been to the RSPCA to look at stray dogs and they had an elderly border collie called Dino who needs a home. Once I've been home checked :shock: , I can bring him to live with me lol
I have just spent £175 on a motor bike :shock: :shock: :shock: (not for me confused )
Yes, my life really is THAT exciting wink
Quote by bluexxx
I have no plans for the rest of the Easter period, but today I have been to B&Q to buy a roller blind rolleyes
I have been to the RSPCA to look at stray dogs and they had an elderly border collie called Dino who needs a home. Once I've been home checked :shock: , I can bring him to live with me lol
I have just spent £175 on a motor bike :shock: :shock: :shock: (not for me confused )
Yes, my life really is THAT exciting wink

Aside from welcoming Misschief home, I've done a load of washing, cleaned the cooker, sorted and paired far too many socks, started a tuna steak marinading in rice wine and looked up what speed of CD-RW my drive will take....... just know Blue that it isn't just your life ! :lol: :lol:
My life has just got even more exciting than it usually is.... Satin has just informed me that my Linda McCartney country pie and mash is nearly ready :happy: :happy: :happy: