hate the winter months,
when u have to wear jeans jumper boots socks.
look like xmas turkey all wraped up for a meet.
love summer when u can wear some thing that u feel good in,
tease when u play pool, sit in pub beach/
forest... do we all hibernate in the winter??
and guys when u put u r in london...
well it can take 1/2 hours to go from one side to other..
pls put area yr near on yr profile, makes it most helpfull.
We are with you guys! We cannot wait for the summer!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Summer
No we don't hibernate but let's be realists, we do go out less, the prospect of the freezing cold, outdoor smoking, waiting for taxis, wrapping up, getting wet (yea the rain wet not the other) the ice and snow does make us think twice about going out when in the Summer we look at the cloudless skies and the summer sun and think of places we should be going rather than be couped up inside. I think we all go out a little bit less in the winter months which makes the going out in the summer months all that more inviting.
We can't wait, summer sun and outdoor pictures, less clothing and the sun on our bare skin has to be inviting.
For this reason I have ordered some extra summer sun for England this year so enjoy it while you can.
noooo dont work for them one little snow fall n they stop running,,,,lol
We sure could do with a spot of sunshine... can't wait till the warmer weather.
I like the British weather....gives us summat to moan about when we can't think of anything else to say. Don't go to sea in a storm, but look at it, the sea is an awesome sight in high winds. I don't mind any of our weather, I know there are times when we can't get around as we hoped, but it's usually quite a temporary thing. I never needed the weather to warm up to find an excuse to get naked, almost always with some company. Yes I look forward to summer again, but it comes around each year just like the other seasons. I love the variety.