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Room 101 What would you put in there?

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9 watchers
For me it would be the british juducial system and daytime tv.
I prefer the likes of Germany/Finland where if you are fined it is in relation to your earnings but I prefer the american way of dealing with criminals with regard to sentencing.
Daytime TV is just a joke. Repeats or just garbage.
Over to you lot.
Do we get a limit?
Mine would be equal rights campaigners (those who use the EU laws as a way to force their views across) and feminists.
People who race up bus lanes so that they can skip the queue of people politely waiting their turn.. Oh, if I had my bloody baseball bat handy.. mad
US politicians
Fast Food and all its consequent meat production
Sunday drivers who NEVER go a digit over the speed limit
RAP mad & anybody that sings like maria carey useing 27 notes when one would do banghead
traffic wardens
jordan and peter andrex
Ignorant bigoted people,
Car Tax (look at the state of the roads)
All reality TV shows
beetroot ?
whats it ever done to you ?
Made to eat it when I was younger erggh
Quote by SXBOY
beetroot ?
whats it ever done to you ?

I love beetroot
Had some beetroot, stuffed olives and cherry tomatoes for a snack last night :lickface:
I'd put agression, money (let's go back to bartering), and people who park on pavements into room 101.
Keith Chegwin
god he has always annoyed me
At the moment, I want to put all Dutch people with power tools into Room 101!!
Maybe that is a bit unfair and it should just be all power tools in Holland but then the Dutch would still have hammers etc.
They love their DIY here and every sunday morning you can guarantee that you will be lying in bed doing what comes naturally only to be shocked by the sudden, loud whine of an electric sander etc. being used next door. Now, as I am trying to work this morning the bugger next door has started again on his rebuilding work.
I really think I will go and cause a power cut.
Could I put Sarge in there? Go on. Please. We could tell him its a recon mission and quickly shut the door behind him. lol
it wud have to be
Mr B's beatle's c.d collection!!!
oh and his brother (who may i add is a copper and a traffic warden)!!!!!
lou xx
Quote by mattmoleman
Could I put Sarge in there? Go on. Please. We could tell him its a recon mission and quickly shut the door behind him. lol

No dont do it or the SHAS (Swinging Heaven Air Service) will be on your tail.
The existance of the SHAS is only know to an elite few but I can tell you in confidence that they are undercover and some are sleepers.
They are known in real life as MODS (moderators) and they trawl this site in an endless search for those that break the rules of engagement.
Be warned = they are watching you
wink :wink: :wink:
Gary Neville
Gerry Adams
David Baddiel
For me it would be ignorant old people who, when they are shopping or in the street think because, they may have fought in the two world wars think they have a god given right to push right us younger people ( now i have nothing against old people on a whole just ignorant old people) mad
I also hate daytime tv (except fern britton :twisted: ) as it makes you feel like you are totally thick and stoopid..........grrrrrrr
I also hate the british weather why can't we have weather like spain ffs
Right thats my little moan done bye all.
Wannabe gangster rappers
Richard Madeley
Train ticket inspectors
Estate agents
Quote by mollman
For me it would be ignorant old people who, when they are shopping or in the street think because, they may have fought in the two world wars think they have a god given right to push right us younger people

and for me it would be the uneducated and arrogent young people who think they have the God given right to beat up, maim and kill those old people that faught in two world wars . mad

Richard Madeley
I agree there....but would have to throw Judy in with him tho
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
For me it would be ignorant old people who, when they are shopping or in the street think because, they may have fought in the two world wars think they have a god given right to push right us younger people

and for me it would be the uneducated and arrogent young people who think they have the God given right to beat up, maim and kill those old people that faught in two world wars . mad
Only the middle aged are safe then lol
Quote by Lindaxxx
Richard Madeley
I agree there....but would have to throw Judy in with him tho

I wouldnt throw her in, she has to suffer enough while he's out. Give the poor woman a break :lol:
White kids that talk like Ali G/ Yardies... Innit?
Single males that PM me asking to meet up even though my signiture says looking for couples and bi fems.
Animal rights activists (ALF etc) that complain about being poorly treated by the police when they vandalise legal businesses, attack law abiding people that are doing their job etc....
Quote by SussexLisa
White kids that talk like Ali G/ Yardies... Innit?
Single males that PM me asking to meet up even though my signiture says looking for couples and bi fems.
Animal rights activists (ALF etc) that complain about being poorly treated by the police when they vandalise legal businesses, attack law abiding people that are doing their job etc....

That reminded me, I also want to put in....
Anti-abortion campaigners who do the same thing
Christian Fundamentalists
People with a 'Holier than thou' attitude
Cheeky and rude teenagers
People who start fights when their drunk
Those with intolerant views and opinions on others
fred i do not condone YOUNG people who beat old people up....... it just does my head in that SOME OLD people think that because they fought in 2 (very bad i grant you) world wars, they have the right to just shove and barge past people ( i mean i was at the VE day celebrations in manchester on sunday. And ALL the war vetrans were wearing there medals with great pride and they were sooo pleaseant and happy to chat about there experiencesin the two wars).
BUT!!! there has been a lot worse wars since then......... look at all those people who have fought in the first iraq war, with all those chemicals they were pumped full of for example, that our great british government has now shunned.......have they not suffered enough some who cannot even breathe or have lost there families due to post desert storm syndrome?
But most of them are not so ignorant to think "well i fought in a war so i will just shove this person out of my way so i can get to those potatoes quicker" No they just get on with what little life they may have left and fight on to get noticed in other ways.........
well, this is easy - george w bush, tony blair, and chris evans!!! lock them in together and melt the f'ing key!!!!! lol
My employers, a certain University. Complete load of big dog's cock it is, working here.
Rick. evil
Quote by mollman
fred i do not condone YOUNG people who beat old people up....... it just does my head in that SOME OLD people think that because they fought in 2 (very bad i grant you) world wars, they have the right to just shove and barge past people ( i mean i was at the VE day celebrations in manchester on sunday. And ALL the war vetrans were wearing there medals with great pride and they were sooo pleaseant and happy to chat about there experiencesin the two wars).
BUT!!! there has been a lot worse wars since then......... look at all those people who have fought in the first iraq war, with all those chemicals they were pumped full of for example, that our great british government has now shunned.......have they not suffered enough some who cannot even breathe or have lost there families due to post desert storm syndrome?
But most of them are not so ignorant to think "well i fought in a war so i will just shove this person out of my way so i can get to those potatoes quicker" No they just get on with what little life they may have left and fight on to get noticed in other ways.........

I dont really see what this has to do with the price of chips - certainly not by saying one war was worse than another.
Just as an aside my 14 year old grandad and was pumped full of chemicals in the Somme
Think you will find that all wars are terrible.
Anyway back to room 101
1. Sweeping Statements
2. Going off the point
What a question!
The list is endless...
At the moment Chavs/Neds are at the top of my list, the government should bring in a no breeding policy, get them neutered as babys...
and Boy racers should be given push bikes and told to go pedal... £2500 worth of damage to my car because of a boy racer!!!
last one....
Bloody indian call centers!! now dont get me wrong, i have no problems with indians or any other race, but when they are in india thousands of miles away from me and my life it gets soddin annoying trying to explain why something isnt working... yet all they can do is read a script.... ohhh grrrrrr!!! mad
Quote by Nicola&Alan
Bloody indian call centers!! now dont get me wrong, i have no problems with indians or any other race, but when they are in india thousands of miles away from me and my life it gets soddin annoying trying to explain why something isnt working... yet all they can do is read a script.... ohhh grrrrrr!!! mad

worship :worship:
I wholeheartedly agree. It's even worse when you know something about what's gone wrong, but you need professional help to fix it, so you call and get through to "Trevor" from India who instructs you to do everything step by step.
/note/ is there going to be enough room in Room 101 for all our hates? lol