The Otex ear drops advert
it always came on at tea time
Quote by Chunky Love
lol thought it must b a miricle he's in spain and actually im glad!!!!!! fuew that were close
Quote by bailiffs
one of those people that go to football matches just for fighting used to go around as part o the DFL. hes a co*k but u seem sound sorry for insulting u
Quote by Chunky Love
one of those people that go to football matches just for fighting used to go around as part o the DFL. hes a co*k but u seem sound sorry for insulting u
Quote by Nicola&Alan
one last thing i want to throw into room 101 is...
my chav next door neighbour....
Friday night it ending with 6 cops and 4 CID kidking her door in becuse of a serious domestic.... and 2 guys being arrested in hand and leg cuffs
what did i say.... neuter the bastards... this scheemie cow has an 18 month old child an i doubt shes 18 herself... poor kid, it gets rattled round in a buggy all the time and screamed at to shut its face when its crying.... with a mother like that i'd be crying too!
how do you rid the world of these scum bags?
Quote by little gem
This image has to be prettynear the top of the list right now
Cleaners who lock people in buildings
Sympathy shags
Children who sneeze on you and make you ill
Working 6days a week
Greggs the bakers
Children who want to talk about Jedi Knights instead of doing their work
Majollica potery ware
Formula one racing
The amount of money footballers get
David Dickenson
How many am I allowed again? Sod it, can I put everything in and have to reason why things have to be let out of room 101?