Sgt Bilko, you didn't enflame anything lol, just had conversations with people who have said they are giving up swinging because they have been messed about etc. Like Tobyjug, yourself and I have to add, the vast majority of people on this site, all we expect is a bit of honesty and integrity and I reckon the bulk of people using this site come with both, just a few "spoilers" that can unfortunately really ruin some peoples' experience.
Thats where we were coming from on the verification idea, not really anger enflamed more annoyance that a small majority can ruin things for some. Small example, we recently refused to swing with someone (via e mail exchanges), we got a torrent of abusive e mails, including one threatening to sort me out with a baseball bat! Scary stuff...almost put us off. I have to add that was on another site, not here.
Right, nuff said!!
Cheers guys
Stu of the "fran and" variety
If anyone has been treated the way you describe then please let either Mark or any of the mods know - if the contact has been made via SH that is.
We can't moderate against time-wasters, men pretending to be women, men pretending to be couples etc etc, those type of people are everywhere, but threats and abuse are something else.
Sorry to hear of your problems.
I have and very recently been accused of being a timewaster, even to the point of being told I am mother would be very interested in that!!!
My photo ad is there for all to see, with clear instructions of how to make contact and a criteria (don't ring before 7pm - facial pic only) I can read that!! is it in invisible ink???
I object to being called one by the odd single male (what a fantastic suprise and now regret fighting their corner!!)
Don't know what the answer is either, when you know, will you let me know???
Love and kisses
The emails in the ads system are already subjected to a verification by Mark, but all he can do is send an email and get a reply. This in no way means that the person is genuinely who/what they say and it is very easy to open numerous email accounts. One chap I found had about 4 email addresses.
People get email email addresses verified and then close them down, don't answer emails or reply abusively.
On the other hand there are those who are sincere and I have found that those who come into the forum and take part in the exchange of banter tend to be those who meet others and enjoy themselves.
I think this topic should be locked, but I won't do it - maybe one of the other mods would. Don't want to be accused of stifling debate!!! (That was an in-joke which probably only Mark will appreciate!)
x x