Just a thought....
Is there any way that we could verify each other as genuine couples? I think Steveg was saying something in the chatroom yesterday about verifying single males, but I think it would be good for couples too.
It could limit the timewasters and make the most for us genuine lot!
Love Fran
Appreciate all the points raised, and have a few ideas on them, but just wanted to say a system of whatever make up, used by the vast majority of us honestly and truthfully has to be better than no system at all. Have seen it work on other sites, useful cross referencing in chat room etc, so maybe it is a debate worth persuing.
As you say Mal...I can verify a few of you tonight...oh and if Fred reads this no sarky remarks young man!
We did discuss this some time ago and came to the conclusion that verification wouldn't be fair to newbies, people who had been trying for ages but hadn't managed a meet yet, and those that only do occassional meets. What about those, such as me, who do private meets rarely but who goes to a lot of clubs to meet people who have never heard of SH (is that REALLY possible these days?), or those who simply come on here to chat and maybe keep an eye on the dogging section for something interesting in their area. As we're all looking for different things, and swing in a lot of different ways (if at all), who can say what verification should be anyway?
If someone had to verify me, who would it be (down boy :twisted: )???
I think you can consider yourself verified, Paul :twisted: 8)
So are you, Mal 8) , so....who's next for verification???? :twisted: I could always incorporate the verification process with the initiation ceremony - kill two birds with one stone, as they say!
blue, I know what you mean, but verification is just an added layer that helps the newbies and the occasional private meets have that little bit more confidence in the people who frequent the site. Verification needn't just comes from meets, it could come from things like attendance at parties/munches etc. It could come with involvement in the site through the forum and the like. Having a system won't prevent those who aren't verified from having success and it won't weed out all the timewasters, it just shows another face of the site and the people on it.
As to developing cliques, well that has been said of the Forum more than once, and as a group of people develop friendships such exchanges can appear to the outsider and newbies a little cliquey, however, one of the very reasons we are here is because we are looking for new friends and all are welcome. Thus, a seriously interested party soon learns that they are more than welcome and soon become part of the scene.
To condemn a system without giving it a go seems a little blinkered, what damage could it do to try? It may work (as it does on some sites), it may not on here, who knows, but if we create a stronger, open and confident community then that has to be for the good of all who visit the site.
Stu (of the "Fran and "variety
I think verification can only realy be done on a site like this by members giving feedback on experiences with other you'd for example tell everyone here that Biscuit is one of the nicest,best looking,honest and humorous shags any of you have ever had...and mr(affix name her) was a winding up maybe a board of shame or something.
WHOA!!!!!! Just let's think about this a minute! Verifying someone as a genuine person is one thing, and an idea that I woul (reluctantly) support if there was enough support for it. However, user reviews is a VERY VERY bad idea for a number of reasons. This isn't a site like Amazon, which sells books, it's a bit more personal than that! I think people would be put off meeting anyone off this site if they thought their "performance" was going to be reviewed afterwards. You certainly wouldn't get me to meet any of you if that was the case!!!!!!!
I've had loads of experiences with guys, all of whom were genuine geezers, they were polite, clean, turned up on time etc etc. Some experiences were good, a couple were very good, but some didn't exactly set the world alight - for a whole host of reasons, not his fault or mine, just one of those things. Now imagine if I'd met all those guys from SH. Imagine after each one I wrote a review of the experience. Imagine how gutted some of the guys would be if they saw that they weren't in fact the stud of the year, and I only gave them, say 6 out of 10, while the guy I'd had two nights before got 8 out of 10, and the lucky chap from last week got a sum total of 96. Doesn't sound fair, does it?
Andy is right too, people will lie. Simple as that.
a very valid point there blue.......saying that.I couldn't realy care less about verification...time wasted is but a matter of minutes realy isn't it?Just thought I'd add to the disscussion
So true bluexxx , its also a personal thing some people may realy light each other up because they are alike were as others will just be ok , its a matter of chemistry.
But I have to say any time I have spent on replies that did not amount to anything , was not time wasted as I have meet some quite wonderful people through these efforts.
but if this is wasting time then I'm off to waste some more 8)
Well from a newbie point of view i have to agree with most of your views
fran(who i mailed and was at least polite enough to say no thank you (hi hun xx)) makes a good point if a newbie comes on site it would be nice to speak to those genuine people who may offer good advice and guidance as opposed to some 15 yr old knocking one out whilst drooling over frans pics (mmmm)
the idea of ratings is waaaaaaaaay bad for 2 reasons 1 personal taste and 2 to all of you not as talented but still wonderful people youd only get one meet a poor review and off to the scrapheap of lurve for you
as for the site being cliquey i posted a while ago and instantly had replies from those nice flinstones if it was as bad as people made out id be thrown into the realms of oblivion by now
as far as i can gather the site works well people do meet (even i got laid the other week) and the chatroom whilst very very fast is still fun to go in (PLEASE CAN WE BE ABLE TO LINK DIRECT TO PROFILES SOON THO)
anyway i must save my energy for all the couples and ladies getting ready to write to me wanting my attentions (please form an orderly queue we dont want there being any accidents in the rush)
good luck to all and most of all be safe xxxx
Andy xxx 38188 or rookie2003 in the chatroom