after meeting a guy for a couple of yrs with no probs,he bites her leg hard(she was bruised for cpl weeks)and slaps her hard on the arse and now wonders why we dont want to go back.
couple nights ago in a club,guy starts slapping at her pussy,spitting on her ass and trying to asphyxiate all happened quite quickly by the way.
is it that guys dont realise that the girls in movies get well paid to be abused,or what?
yeah,we`re not newbies and she does like things a bit lively,but just happened so quickly,was no real danger cos i was there but wtf,i would have thought that if a guy wants a woman who likes pain etc it would have been sorted beforehand.
has put her off a little,but we`ve had many good meets so should be ok
I might have been tempted to slap him back and see if he liked it.
Don't get me wrong, I like a bit of firm handling, but I expect to know it's coming and I wouldn't take it from a stranger.
Spanking I get, ok fair do's, but really should have given some sort of signal before hand or talked about it or started off less firmer and asked if she wanted it harder.
Same for biting...
But spitting & Asphyxiation!?
Ok so some get off on that sort of thing fair enough. But to do it without knowing that or at least mentioning it before....
I consider myself chilled out and relaxed when we play but i'm not sure how I would react if someone spat on my wife or started to Asphyciate her!
For us this is about being able to relax and have fun.
The above to us shows really bad form on the guys part.
Luckily we have never had this, but then we have only met couples upto now and they have all been really cool and relaxed.
I really do like a bit of rough. I'm not really into the spitting thing but I like to be bitten and love the feeling of a bit of pressure from hands round my neck.
We play like this together a lot and I have played alone with one other guy in a similar way (although not as extreme) but this guy knows me quite well, knows what I like and can read my signals so knows how far to take it.
We all have boundaries and I would never arrange a meet for proper rough play without discussing what these were because playing like this is all about trust. However, I'm not sure if I would particularly want to go through my boundaries on every single meet before we play or before playing at a club. It would make it all a bit too clinical for me and take the fun out of it. I would not take things to the extreme with a guy I don't know and doesn't know me though.
Your Mrs wouldn't have been in any danger if you were not in the club to rescue her. The guy who put his hands around her neck would not have been doing it in order to make her eyes bulge! If she didn't like it, she should just say "please don't do that".
Surely guys can read when a woman wants things a little rougher by her body language? and surely a woman should be able to tell a guy to tone things down a bit if it is pushing her boundaries too far without the need to stop play, swear to never meet again and then coming onto the forum slagging people off for it? If you have known this guy for a couple of years surely you have formed a good enough relationship that you can talk to him?