aaaggghhhh oh my god dont go, what can i do for 20 mins?????
*Whimper* :shock:
For chrissakes tell Mark not to break anything, my inbox is full of phone numbers! :shock: :shock:
Will the GFZ jacuzzi be open during this time? Where should we go? Who do we turn to? (more to the point... does eagerslut know?!?) :shock:
OM G!! Cant you be more exact than that?
If it is early on it wont matter as much cos ive got to go out, but latter on may cause me server pshycological problems!!! :upset: :upset: :upset:
:eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Please don't let me have to face the real world again.........
I'm scared!
:scared: :scared: :scared:
99.9% sure of this, but I'm not involved in the tech side of this site... since the chatroom is not run from the SH servers, it won't be affected.
Those of you running mIRC should be able to get in as normal, those of you using the SH page will be able to keep on using the chatroom if they get into chat before the server goes down.