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Rules of the game

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We have a well defined set of behaviours that are acceptable to us which we modify rarely. Fairly broad and fairly all encompassing, we augment them with openness and honesty.
We break what sociaty may see as rules
I say we write our own rules
Every thing we do is by mutual consent, so no hard and fast rule required, we discus things, come to a decision and act on it
Yup, it's societies rules we're a breakin.'
Screw 'em. wink
Quote by Kaznkev
Rules of the game

We don't talk about fight club? dunno
Over the xmas period (while things were a little slow) I got into a debate about morality.
I argued that morality was negotiable with society, for example: society's view is that it's wrong to kill ...... unless it's a state sanctioned execution (until the 70's) or a war. Cannibalism would be thought to be very wrong, but if you were starving to death and there was a large, fat, juicy, delicious, tender :lickface: redface .... errr ... :uhoh: ...... body lay there then society would probably understand if you ate it to survive.
So now all we do is have to find the right argument to justify actions and then anything's possible .... and acceptable.
If we/they cannot maintain consistency then, to quote The Prodigy: Fuck 'em and their law! :lol2:
How many of society's (as opposed to the Law's) rules are totally absolute? The vast majority have a handy little addendum at the end that starts "unless - - - ".
I suppose the majority of the rest are to do with protecting the vulnerable.