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Sad news about Mr Bigblonde

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It is with great sadness that i have been asked to let you all know that Mr Bigblonde passed away this evening. Mr & Mrs Bigblonde were a huge part of the southcoast room for many years and he will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Myself and Mr southwest7 will be attending the funeral on behalf of the southcoast room and swinging heaven and will be happy to pass on any messages from anyone who wishes to mail me. Evaglen have suggested that i do a collection for some flowers to be sent to Mrs Bigblonde, if anyone wishes to contribute anything no matter how small please mail me for more info.
southwest7 xx
Sex God
Sad news - please pass on my condolences to Mrs Bigblonde, family and friends.
Such sad news...
Our thoughts and condolences are with you BB as this sad time.
I didn't know Mr Bigblonde, but my thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.
Sex God
Awwwwww man so sad - condolences from Lost :sad:
please pass on our love and sympathy to mrs bb. Mr bb was a lovely man alway had a smile on his face and cracking jokes everytime we saw him at the socails he will be dearly missed.
is there going to collection for flowers? please let us know so we can contribute
all our love and sympathy our thoughts are with u mrs bb
Eva and Glen
Quote by evaglen
please pass on our love and sympathy to mrs bb. Mr bb was a lovely man alway had a smile on his face and cracking jokes everytime we saw him at the socails he will be dearly missed.
is there going to collection for flowers? please let us know so we can contribute
all our love and sympathy our thoughts are with u mrs bb
Eva and Glen

Yes Evaglen i am happy to do a collection, if anyone wishes to contribute they can mail me for info. xx
Quote by southwest7
please pass on our love and sympathy to mrs bb. Mr bb was a lovely man alway had a smile on his face and cracking jokes everytime we saw him at the socails he will be dearly missed.
is there going to collection for flowers? please let us know so we can contribute
all our love and sympathy our thoughts are with u mrs bb
Eva and Glen

Yes Evaglen i am happy to do a collection, if anyone wishes to contribute they can mail me for info. xx
thank you southwest7 you have mail
how very sad, sincere condolences for Mrs Blonde and families xxx
Deepest sympathies, how awful xx
my deepest sympathies - i know exactly how mrs BB will be feeling... caring thoughts coming your way
Suze xx
Sex God
More sad news sad Although I did not know either of you personally recent events have led me to think how I would feel in this situation. It does not bear thinking about and so I pass on my sincere condolences.
Sex God
such sad news
sending my love xxx
So Sorry to hear your news BB our thoughts are with you God Bless x x x
Master of Sex
Our sincere condolences, thoughts are with you at this sad time.
Sad news, I met Ian and Tina only the one time because Tina too fell ill at the time. I know Ian to have been a witty and funny fella, who had me hooting when we met even though he was quite poorly even then.
My sincerest condolences to Tina and her family in what must be a heartbreaking time for them.
All my Love, Pete. X
Warming the Bed
I never knew Mr Bigblonde but my thoughhts go out to his family and friends. A special thought goes out to Mrs Bigblonde(Wife I assume) as someone who has lost a partner myself, I know all the pains you are feeling. Its hard, but stay strong and remember would they want to see you sad? NO!!! is the answer I imagine to be true.
Craig "Tscott"
Sex God
My thoughts are with you
Quote by Suze43
my deepest sympathies - i know exactly how mrs BB will be feeling... caring thoughts coming your way
Suze xx

My deepest sympathies with you too hun, so sorry for your loss. I read your post as i was about to do this one.
southwest7 xx
condolences, thoughts are with the family and friends