After hearing this weekend, that Saddam Hussein is to face the death penalty for the first set of charges for the murder and destruction of 140 or more villages and thier people I wondered if he should actually 'be hung by the kneck until life is extint'.

I know that he is just about the most evil person to to have been in a position of power and abused it so much but, the reason (supposedly) to invade Iraq was to free the people of his dictatorship. Still after all this time why is there so much unrest in Iraq?
I feel that if he is executed, In my humble opinion, it's sending the wrong message by the people of developed and democratic world (excluding America!) and they will have learned nothing about the way justice should be dealt with and the violance and murder will continue. I think that he should spend the rest of his natural life rotting in his own juices with no possibility of parole - EVER.
I do not condone his actions in any way but I feel that his death could and will spark off martyr killings and executions which will no doubt have far reaching concequences across the western world and will bring his dictatorship and radical followers much closer to Binladen and vile radical extremists.
Having said that, if he was a paedofile he should be sentanced to death as they all should be.
I know it's abit heavy, especially for a monday morning but what the hell, lets have a massdebate