and you are atop a cliff facing your arch nemesis 'Villain X' are all that stands between his quest for world are confident you and your powers will beat him and send him howling into the sunset, never to be seen again.
Suddenly, and with an evil, knowing laugh...he reaches into his trusty manbag and brandishes.......
remember how Kryptonite was Supermans achilles heel, and it reduced him to a powerless quivering wreck on the floor, unable to be super...unable to be mildly fabulous even...
If you were that super hero...what would Villain X be pulling from his manbag, and thrusting at you :rascal: that would render you a helpless jelly like heap on the floor?
For me, it would be something as simple as.....and this is giving me goosebumps to write....custard skin :scared: :scared: :scared: I absolutely hate, despise and abhor the stuff....and if the totally evil and nasty Villain X brandished that at me, Im afraid I'd be worse than useless...for some reason if i see it it makes my eardrums quiver!!! (as well as my whole stomach heave)
so what would be your downfall as you fought to triumph over evil?
Tomato ketchup.
Foodstuff of the devil.
Cool thread Mrs B! :thumbup:
most invertebrates. insects, worms, centipedes, snails.
i once- and there's no other way to describe this- fucked myself up massively running away from a mate who had a snail in his hand. i was a bit tired and emotional and wasn't wearing a belt so my jeans (favourite pair) fell down, tripped me up. what happened next can only be described as mother of all crash-landings. i must've bounced off the road about three or four times.
When it was over, my jeans had been ripped straight through the crotch, my leather jacket was ripped,my watch was broken, my glasses' lenses were in lands end and john o'groats. miraculously, i only suffered a bruised knee though.
makes a note never to visit the Bonediggers :uhoh:
not so bad with snakes but spiders have me running scared s******s, they are definately my downfall as well as mice n rats, just something creepy about their tails *shudders*
"and you are atop a cliff".....job done...'tache man is defeated..curse you Moriarty.
If Villain X started licking his cardigan that would be me finished
Or if we're atop a cliff and Villain X suddenly grabbed me and went
"Woooh scared ya!" :twisted:
I would be in a complete faint before he could say "only joking!"
If Villain X pulled my own liver from hos man bag - I would be in serious trouble.
Very simple - all he'd have to do is pull handfuls of snails out of his pocket and crush them one at a time. I have no problem with snails as such. But the sound of them crushing would have me catching up with my own projectile vomit as I ran away.
I have now twice in my life stepped on snails in my bare feet to feel their shells crushing and feeling their inards squicshing up between my naked toes.
For me it would be .....a tin of butter beans :scared: or someone saying they were about to hurl :uhoh: