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scared to post?

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why ?, say hello if nothing else heres your chance , no reason other than to break that post virginity
hello people that havent posted before
now come on type those words
ie hello mids how are you mate.........
If I can post anyone can ~ and I'm really shy too wink
Quote by midlandsmale39
why ?, say hello if nothing else heres your chance , no reason other than to break that post virginity
hello people that havent posted before
now come on type those words
ie hello mids how are you mate.........

hello mids how are you mate......... wave
oooops sorry - you meant new peeps - SORRY rolleyes
But to add my bit to this thread - to all the lurkers wondering if they should drop in.
Come on in - the water's lovely!!!!!
Quote by Alexandra
why ?, say hello if nothing else heres your chance , no reason other than to break that post virginity
hello people that havent posted before
now come on type those words
ie hello mids how are you mate.........

hello mids how are you mate......... wave
oooops sorry - you meant new peeps - SORRY rolleyes
But to add my bit to this thread - to all the lurkers wondering if they should drop in.
Come on in - the water's lovely!!!!!Alex who is never afraid to post love you sweeetie
Well ty Grilbrt!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hi there. I'm not exactly new. Joined the site earlier in the year, but didn't hang around for long, since it was coincidentally at the same time as the site was hot news. There was a apparently an influx of people messing around the site, and I didn't want to be coinnected with them.
Hence have held off for a little while, and am now keen to re-join and actively particpate in chats etc.
I wrote a lengthy messgage about myself, my circumstances, my likes and dislikes etc, last time so I won't repeat.
But anyway, hello to everyone (especially anyone who might remember me), and I look forward to making your acquanitance again in the near future...
Nice to meet you Don!
And Welcome (back)!
Alex x
don,, you trying to say thanks to Stan C we were inundated with Ar*****es!!! i too joined round that time too however perseverence and I'm still enjoying so get stuck in and have a larf!!! As for the forum have only recently got involved and enjoy reading the comments and jokes... Specially loved the banter Gilbert had with a particular jackass!! lol
And I like the rapport Mids, Blue,Alex Sarge and the other top dogs have.. sorry too many to mention... should say special hi to Carrie-ann and DB!! :doh:
So Hi ALL!!! :thumbup:
well welcome back don i consider my threada success thanks to younow i need a virgin!!!!
Quote by Benz2502
reading the comments and jokes... Specially loved the banter Gilbert had with a particular jackass!! lol
So Hi ALL!!! :thumbup:

sorry to snip other comments but many thanx Benz
shame the guy went too far, sad i did not see his demise, but site rules broached.
I was starting to warm to his enthusaiasm, just that he as a younger guy was able to stay up later than me!!!
well actually I was camming with someone I only learned about said demise later!!! redface
would have loved to have continuned bantering with him, I am sure he would have come round and maybe even have been a challenge for EASY but he went too far
( insults I have had a few, water and duck's backs spring to mind)
oh well unless he sneaks under the barbed wire we shall never know
Ive only just got the balls to start posting....
Im actually quite liking it here smile
Welcome back Don9999 kiss
and any other lurkers out there that can contribute in the forums, come on in!!!! biggrin
Thanks for the encouragement.
Unfortunately, I'm not too keen on the Chatroom, which is a shame. It 'can' be nice sometimes to chat on there, but I find there are some weaknesses. It doesn't seem possible to look at someone's profile from there (unless I've missed something), and at the least I like to know who is talking (and likewise for them to know who I am).
Also, as is common for a chatroom, I often find it difficult to follow the multiple threads of conversation that is happening at any one time. Not too much of a problem elsewhere, because at will I could erquest a private chat. However, without knowing the other people (even whether they are male or female at times) it can be very difficult to private message.
Anyways......I will be active on this forum at the very least and look forward to PM'ing to various people as we become freinds :-)
Quote by gilbert
water and duck's backs spring to mind

You talking kinky there Gilbert??
It was just such a stoopid ending to a luverly relationship!!!! roll in the next I say!!
(and I just had to add te smiley cos I just realised he's getting kicked in the nuts... pretty much the treatment i hear somebody wanted to try and dish out hahahaha!
Well, erm... having been around the chatroom for a while, I figured it was time I posted... so here it is...
Hi all.....
Run out of things to say now - most unlike me! lol lol
Quote by BadAlice
Well, erm... having been around the chatroom for a while, I figured it was time I posted... so here it is...
Hi all.....
Run out of things to say now - most unlike me! lol lol

Hi and :welcome:
Calista x
I posted and I'm shy. There I said it.
zim :taz:
Quote by Benz2502
... should say special hi to Carrie-ann and DB!! :doh:
So Hi ALL!!! :thumbup:

Hi Benz,
Wot's the special hi for?????
Quote by Benz2502
water and duck's backs spring to mind

You talking kinky there Gilbert??
its a carpy??? Misschief thing!!!
Quote by hornywales
Ive only just got the balls to start posting....
Im actually quite liking it here smile

What you wanna post your balls for??? keep them with you ... I'm sure you'll find them more useful than gettin shot of them!!! plus I would trust Royal Mail to take good care of them!!! :doh: :rascal: :welcome:
if you put your knob in a jiffy condom would you put your balls in a jiffy bag to post them?
rotflmao :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove:
Calista x
:twisted: :laughabove: :twisted: :laughabove: :twisted: :laughabove: :twisted:
:welcome: BadAlice....
....Any relation to Slack?
Have fun my dear..... wink
Regards LC.
Well as a complete post virgin, i thought i'd make midsmale's day n say hi to everyone.
Not been here long at all, hope to make a few friends if nothing else lol.
So hi everyone confused redface
Nothing to be scared of your almost anonimous and i thought it was boring till i started it is quite addictive really lol. OK marya yes i am posting more than i said i would ! lol
As a newbie to the chatroom and the forum, I must admit the first couple of posts were a bit nerve wracking. "Will anyone laugh (rightly or wrongly!) at what i've typed", "Is it relevant?", "Don't want to upset anyone" were just a few thoughts that went through my head.
But hey, what the hell, i've had fun and realised that you are all a friendly bunch who live a laugh. Definately my type of people lol
Nice post, Alex - we 've all been through that nerve-racking bit when posting, and I still do sometimes. Great to see you at the motel munch, looking forward to the next time.
I don't know anything about Levi-Strauss, but I like his jeans!
i always think if you can get passed the first fanny fart with a bloke the rest is easy, thats hear those fanny farts ladies stop lurking
lol lol
Quote by BadAlice
Well, erm... having been around the chatroom for a while, I figured it was time I posted... so here it is...
Hi all.....
Run out of things to say now - most unlike me! lol lol

Nice to see you've made it in here, BadAlice !
I'm sure you'll soon get back your rambling abilities :lol: