I don't blame you Lost. What you receive these days is a computer generated report as opposed to the good old days when teachers actually wrote the reports by hand and thought carefully about comments for each child. Now for each subject area they have a set library of comments which they then choose from. This leads to reports that are no longer personalised for the individual child, but a mass produced set of comments which are in as you put it bollox talk. Then when you factor in the targets for each subject for each child, you end up with confused parents, who have no idea what they are supposed to do to best help their child. But don't blame the teachers,instead blame the powers that be who decided that this was progress and was the best way to go because apparently this is what parents wanted???????
Retired teacher speaking and never once regretted the decision to take early retirement.
Either way... they are saved for longer than anyone probably realise...
I applied for the Royal Naval Reserve when I was 39 years old.. school seemed such a distant memory but after doing the physical and phycological parts of the entry requirments I went before a panel of officers to asses what type of person i realy am and to my amazement they had before them my complete history including school reports from age 9 onward!
I was amazed ........
Big Brother is watching everything .....
Mike x
I have been party to a list of phrases for reports, mine being 16-19's, so that could account for the type of comments?
Most are forgotten but an example would be 'if he had a brain he would be dangerous, if xxxxxx put as put effort into his work as he does texting he would be a genius, this truly is a waste of oxygen..............
You will never know how close I have been to using these and similar
I must agree that school reports are not as personal as they used to be.
My reception age daughters report was full of statements with a little box next to them which were ticked off if the child had reached that stage. With a very short personal message at the end.
My year 6 daughter, who has just gained a clean sweep with all level 5's in her sats :thrilled: recieved a very nice personal report, with a personal comment from the headteacher also.
Although it is a shame that they are not what they used to be, I do understand the pressure that some teachers are under. Some classes are very big and with the amount of preperation and planning that comes with just the day to day life of being a teacher, I can imagine its hard to find the time to produce all these reports. So the help of pre produced ( with a few changes)reports on the computer is probably a great help to the teachers.
Louise xx
I would like to write more personalised reports but am forced to use a statement bank, with no option to add your own text. Anyone who knows kids knows not every one fits into the neat categories and comments.