Coughing, snuffling and with a sore throat makes me an unattractive proposition and I feel so rotten we are staying in tonight.
Mrs v keeps offerring me millet seed and a cuttlefish bone but no sympathy. Says she is bound to catch it next. Cant keep anything to myself.
Any reccomendations? More Jack daniels or swap to a single malt?
But not as much eye delight. There was an a before night nurse, wasn't there?
mmmmmm..........for those malt lovers, the 12yr old Oban malt is a very fine tipple (as im just having one)
Glenfiddich :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
in that order.......
I never drink spirits - but where is jackdaniels72 (the SH member I mean)? He hasn't been around for a while.
most certainly cant Steff!
i used to hate the stuff, but am recently developing quite a taste for it....neat, over ice....
Personally I save the good stuff for when I’m feeling well and can enjoy it. If I’m a little under the weather I go for a cheap scotch with a dash of peppermint, works for me.