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scottish clubs?????

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Hi folks as some of you will already know we are newbies on here so pls can anyone help.
Are there any clubs in scotland and if not WHY NOT????? confused
Good question, I know there used to be but think they are a bit defunct now. I had a circle of friends from Glasgow who were actively trying to start one but it fell apart before it took off.
There are the fetish clubs but they are not strickly swing events.
I dont know if the law up here is different from england re clubs, remember all the shite about the sex shops when they opened, they kept getting raided all the bloody time.
After much searching and discreetly put questions im more than positive that theres nothing up here for us scots sad
dunno have no idea why though im sure it would prove to be very popular, although with the chavs/neds kickin about probably be popular for all the wrong reasons.
the answer is apparently here....
just here to help...
sean xxxxxxxxx
Allegedly (And this is purely a rumour I've heard, so don't go PM'ing me for details) there's a health and fitness club here in Aberdeen that operates as a swinging club about two nights a week..
I've got a rough idea which one it is, but I'm nae willing to say until I find out for certain, as it's undoubtedly illegally run.
But I'm sure if yer in the circle up here in the Granite City, you'll hear wind of it.. wink
Hey Chunky,
Id love to hear if that rumour was right or wrong, i could even pay the frozen north a visit once in a while!
i;ll listen out for the bongo drums heading this way..
I'll stick on my 'Columbo' jacket, sook on a 'Kojak' lollipop, wear a daft 'Poirot' moustache and do some undercover investigating to find out whether the rumour is true or not..
Then, if I find anything out I'll jump on the keyboard and PM you, typing in a 'Jessica Fletcher - Murder she wrote' style.. wink

"We'll meet again when the case is sol-ved"
there are none as stuck up councils operate a zero tolerance attitude sad
therfore most folks looking for swinging clubs travel down South..
Maybe we should start a petition up here ? probably not do much good though rolleyes
Quote by lucyweebaps
there are none as stuck up councils operate a zero tolerance attitude sad
therfore most folks looking for swinging clubs travel down South..
Maybe we should start a petition up here ? probably not do much good though rolleyes

Aye lucy, unless it helps the local councillors themselves financially, I doubt we'll see them bend and let us have what we want.
Anywho, back to my search for the illicit club! biggrin
Know which one you mean but what nights??