Just want to say a quick Thank You to Lucy and Ken for a fantastic night!
And also to Ice Pie as without him I wouldn't have made it and had such a fab time!
I'll do a proper "name dropping" thank you tomorrow but seeing as though I've travelled for hours and hours and hours I think I'm going to go to bed.
Hopefully my memory will return in the morning! :twisted:
Apologies again for not making it along, looks like I missed a damned good night as well.. Absolutely gutted, and my work are going to suffer for preventing me from making it to the party.
Really sorry again, as I was so wanting to meet a lot of you as well. Absolutely gutted.. But you can bet your sweet hooters that I'll be at the next one.
:cry: :cry: :cry:
Big Thanks to Lucy and Ken for organising this event.
Nice to meet with some of you at the pre munch drinks. Pity we could stay longer but had to eat and get changed as we were staying mles away lol
Had great time seeing everyone i have met before and meeting new people i hadnt.
Yofiban - See i told you would be fine. So will you bee coming with us to the next one?
Redwine_ lover - nice to finally meet you in person
Marcuso - maybe next time your never know your luck lol
EdinbughChris - thats the second time you got out of it! You wont be so luck next time. Also have agree with Marcuso Kathyrn is lovely.
SlydeWoosh - sorry you couldnt make it hope to see you at next one.
LOL I wasn't in trousers either - neither was the wife of the lift man :doh: I mean the chauffeur :lol2:
sorry blonde one of leps little jests that seems to have backfired