sounds like she's looking for a bit more passion and commitment tied together with some serious drama. so less of the cool london lothario and a bit more va va voom!
act up the macho gallic brucie, let's hear that french accent. next time your shopping see if you can fit yourself a trenchcoat and beret!
Shouldn't this be in current affairs?
why not find a married woman whose hubby likes his wife to shag around.
There are more of these than you think - i have been surprised!
It has occurred to me that perhaps her husband has gone into work after all and she's got a rival suiter round there.
Plim :twisted:
Wow, you don't find many people on here willing to openly declare that they are racist and enjoy breaking up couples relationships, here to find victims.
10 out of 10 for your honesty
0 out of 10 for your morals
0 out of 10 for your reasons for trying to be a swinger
Being too lazy to read the other replys (but thats just me ) why ask the question? validation of your own thoughts or varification of the alternative option.
why bother with married women - who are screwing behind their hubbys back - when you can get a married woman whose hubby is more than happy for her to play the field
That was how I got into this whole game - put an ad on a ordinary dating site - years ago - got a call from a woman - who was married but told me that her hubby liked to see other guys screw her in front of him - i literally fell off my chair when i was talking to her. I couldnt beleive people did that.
Well, soon found out they did and had a few months of intense fun. Getting hot and bothered with the lady - while her hubby was right there.
Screwing a married woman who is so cheating on her hubby must be so tiring /draining - give it up
Screwing a married woman while her husband is there and watching is just fine - it isnt cheating
Likewise, screwing a married woman whose hubby isnt there but knows and enjoys the fact she is in bed with another guy is cool
Its the lieing when he doesnt know that is not really right
yes - its took lots of thinking and a degree in morality
Isn't this a classic "forbidden fruit" situation ?
In my opinion getting involved with someone that isn't able to swing honestly is asking for trouble. I can see the temptation ( and been there before too ) but I'd steer clear if I was you.
Like Ste n Kaz said "Mutual consent of all involved"