Now for those that dont know gloop is the most amazing stuff made of cornflour and water (has to be cornflour...if u use ordinary flour with water, you just get glue

anyways, if you mix it to the consistency ofsingle cream, it takes on the most amazing properties...if you keep it moving and compressed, its a gloopy solid, but the minute you stop moving it, it reverts back to a lovely cold drippy liquid again.
The tots love it, and so do the adults, and its a very engrossing activity....
It got me to I do when Im supposed to be focussing on my job, that it would make a fantastic bit of sensory sex play using gloop.
being blindfolded and having it dripped over you would, i reckon be really nice, and when it dries, its really silky smooth, a bit like talc.
Just thought I'd share for anyone to have a go, if they were looking for a new experience :lol:
what other stuff have you used for sensory play other than the usual feathers and stuff??