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sensual/sensory play

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I was in nursery today and we were playing with 'gloop'
Now for those that dont know gloop is the most amazing stuff made of cornflour and water (has to be cornflour...if u use ordinary flour with water, you just get glue lol )
anyways, if you mix it to the consistency ofsingle cream, it takes on the most amazing properties...if you keep it moving and compressed, its a gloopy solid, but the minute you stop moving it, it reverts back to a lovely cold drippy liquid again.
The tots love it, and so do the adults, and its a very engrossing activity....
It got me to I do when Im supposed to be focussing on my job, that it would make a fantastic bit of sensory sex play using gloop.
being blindfolded and having it dripped over you would, i reckon be really nice, and when it dries, its really silky smooth, a bit like talc.
Just thought I'd share for anyone to have a go, if they were looking for a new experience :lol:
what other stuff have you used for sensory play other than the usual feathers and stuff??
ooooo i love cornflower play biggrin
Quote by LondonPlaything

:shock: :shock: You sir are sick sick sick I tell you! lol
Mind you all i can say is innocent Birds custard J :lol:
gloop ?
that is something new to me, I might do a mix just to see what you on about.
Giving a blow job after eating an ice lolly :twisted: I don't think Dai was ever the same after that :giggle:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Giving a blow job after eating an ice lolly :twisted: I don't think Dai was ever the same after that :giggle:

And then of course theres doing it whilst you have ice cubes in your mouth..... :twisted:
And the baileys......don't get me started on the baileys!
Thnaks for the tip.
Not sure how im going to bring this up.
Laughing thinking of just how to suggest this one.
Gonna try tho.
I think I know the stuff, I make white sauce out of cornflower, you get a form of gloop with a spot of milk in your jug before you pour the boiling milk on.
Plim wink
Well me personaly i prefer melted white chocolate mmmmmmmmmmmm tastes a lot better lol,i know it makes you all sticky but think of the fun you could have in the shower later biggrin
Quote by Two2play2007
Well me personaly i prefer melted white chocolate mmmmmmmmmmmm tastes a lot better lol,i know it makes you all sticky but think of the fun you could have in the shower later biggrin

I do hope that the chocolate was "fair trade".
Plim rolleyes
here goes....
blindfolded a fem once u dripped wax over her nipples. licked choccy sauce from her belly button, and used mouthwash on her clitty.. then she used said mouthwash fer giving one mind blowin bj