We watched a programme on Channel 4 last night about the terrorists who flew the planes on Semptember 11th,and it made us talk about what we did the day the World Trade Centre was attacked.
We were at home that day and were watching BBc News 24 and saw all of the events transpire,we saw the second plane hit and watched from then on all day in sheer youngest daughter was only 3 weeks old and we could'nt believe that we had brought a child into this kind of world.
I think the events that day have had an effect on us and it's a day that will always stick with us,September 11th for us always represents what happened 3 years ago.
What were you doing that fateful day and what sort of effect did it have on you???
I was in North Carolina.. Had left my hotel , bags packed, and wandered into the office to do a few bits before my car came to take me to the airport for a flight to Philadelphia. Saw it all unfold on TV. Everybody just sat and stared in amazement, horror with many worrying about relatives that worked in the Twin Towers or somewhere close.
Went back to the hotel and checked myself back in for a few days.
The hardest thing was getting hold of my Dad, Brother and most importantly my son to let them know that I was okay. Eventually got through to the UK on my mobile after an hour or so of trying.
Eventually got out of NC and back to the UK on 17th Sept. Could have got out earlier but decided I did not really want to take an internal flight and then connect to the UK and that I would rather go direct.
I was working from home and had the radio on in the background... there was a little aside from the DJ saying that they'd received reports of a plane hitting one of the twin towers. I thought it would just be a light aircraft so continued working... after a minute something inside me told me to turn on the TV in the bedroom. One tower was on fire... I shouted to my ex- Colin to come and see. He walked into the bedroom just as the other plane came into view and crashed into the other tower.
I was in shock... couldn't comprehend what I was seeing but Colin assessed the situation correctly within a second and said 'terrorism'.
The rest of the day was spent watching the news, trying to email friends in America... especially Alex (Colin's friend) who worked in Tower 5. He was safe and it took him six hours to walk home.
Did anyone see that documentary, filmed by the two French brothers, which happened to be about New York Firemen and coincidentally at the same time as Sept. 11th? It was incredible, shocking, moving and again shocking... took a while to get some images out of my head.
Was it really three years ago... for different reasons it feels that it occured longer ago than that and for others just like yesterday... if that makes sense!
We did see the documentary that those french brothers filmed.
It was truely shocking,they even had to edit the sound and viuals as the scenes were just too horrific to show.
As Steve said we watched it sat there with 2 very young children and it made us wonder what kind of world we had brought them into.
It was very scary that day,as i remember they actually lost track of about 5 planes and we were just waiting for what would happen next.
Watching that documentary last night of how it all came about from the hi-jackers point of view it is disgraceful that there was all the warnings and the CIA were aware that some of them were in the US snd that no action was to be taken.
I was at home with my youngest. I had to go pick my daughter up from nursery at and the playground was full of white, ashen faced, tearful mums - yuo could have heard a pin drop.
My immediate thoughts were with friends we NY - she works on the Stock Exchange and still to this day suffers horredous flashbacks and is desperate to leave NY.
I remember calling hubby at work at telling him how awful it was.
Wibbly we watched that programme, I sat in tears for the whole programme.
Calista x
I was off work injured nad watching my daily dose of Diagnosis Murder when a news flash cut in.
I watched the first plane hit in a sort of unreality frame of mind. sort of 'OOOOOoooo they're good effects' Then it clicked that this was a news flash and real. I can remember just sitting watching it all crying and chain smoking. Tim was at work and got home about an hour later. We didn't move from the TV, just sat watching with the odd comment to one another when the other one hit the pentagon and the 4th one went down.
It's a bizarre and frightening world that we live in.
I remember it well
I had just spent 48 hours in hospital with my son who had cancer. we had just been discharged after his final chemo and even though he was very ill,we were both in a jubilant mood as the results of the mri scan had revealed the tumour to be gone.
We were literally leaving the Hospital when it came on as a news flash. It was so bizzare because my emotions were so happy for my son and I but so sad and angry for the victims
I will always remember September 11 for two such hugely different reasons
The joy of the all clear and the horror that has changed the world forever
september 11th is a emotive subject for me as i lost 6 friends that day.....
a lot of people who know me here know i am a native new yorker was at the top of the WTC 2 days before hand (i have never gotten them pictures printed by the way)
it was my 1st day back at american express, and someone had just called to say a plane had gone into a building...... about 20 minutes later i got pulled to one side and got told what had now happened and if i wanted to rest of the day off... the phone never stopped ringing... i think i was the contact point for anyone who had anybody out there...
i was worried sick...made a list of everyone i knew who worked in the general vacinity and rang them all, just to keep me informed.....the two people who a was most worried about was a family friend who worked in the South building... thank god he was late for work.... and my cousin who worked 2 blocks up.....
i went back over there a month later and actaully seeing ground zero is one of the weirdest situations i think i will ever be in....
even now, every september the 11th the only place i now want to spend it is with family, and it made me realise that you could lose them in a split of an eye.. and the cherish every moment you have with them......
sean xxxxx
sean xxxxxx
Just reading these sends a chill down my spine....
I was sat at home 8 months pregnant and layed up because of high blood pressure, when my other half called to tell me to put the news on...i said ok and when i turned it on...i was crying within 2 seconds....it was terrible......
I will never forget that day....the day before my parents got remarried and the events of september 11th has changed everything for them....they don't like to celibrate there anniversary because of the terrible events of the day after....its such a shame...
My heart goes out to every1 and do so hope that the terrible things that r happening to today because of terrism...the school hostage situation is just terrible and i cry when ever i see the news........
My Sister flew out of New York on the morning of 11th September and was in the air travelling towards California when the first plane struck the World Trade Centre. We were extrememly lucky that the terrorists decided not to use the aeroplane she was on.
Due to the total chaos in the US at the time, my Sister was stuck in Chicago for 4 or 5 days before being able to fly on to Los Angeles.
I watched the whole thing unfold on BBC online.
The problem a lot of people in the UK, Europe and the US have is they believe everyone has the same morals and religeous beliefs as they do. This horrendous act showed the world that this isn't the case. It also showed us that, 60 years on, there are still Despots in the world.
Now, of course, we are trying to impose our morals etc. (rightly or wrongly) on to certain Arab countries.
Also certain Cabinet Ministers are using this and other terrorist acts to try to exert far great control over the populace, certainly far greater control than is required or is necessary.
This is not meant as a subject for debate, just my thoughts.
That fateful day i watched the horrors of 9/11 unfold on Skynews. I saw the second plane hit and my immediate reaction was almost to cry. I couldn't quite believe what I was watching. An old friend of mine died in the aftermath, he was in the second tower. Susie's birthday is on September the 11th, and she has always wanted to go to New York for her birthday. Obviously, she has no feelings about celebrating her birthday on such a day now.
What happened that day really brings into perspective the trials and tribulations of life. No matter how much shit you have to put up with from time to time, you only have to think about the families who lost loved ones that day to know that your lot in life isn't half as bad as what these families had to suffer.
I too remember it well - I was at home ironing uniform shirts ahead of a late shift (its funny how you get such vivid associated memories!) when my ex called me and told me to put the news on.
It really was unreal, surreal and totally horrifying at the same time. I have are couple of friends who are both FDNY paramedics so I remember very clearly the moment the first tower started to fall. I still feel a little guilty that my initial reaction wasn't about those still in the towers but instant realisation (and horror) that emergency service colleagues on the ground would be right underneath all that destruction as it came raining down around them.
I did eventually get e-mails from both the guys I knew to say they were alive and well (but had both been at Ground Zero at the time). It seems like such a tenuous link compared to those who lost family and friends - but I guess it shows how much that day touched the entire world in one way or another.
I was at home nursing my newborn son who was about 4 weeks ago at the time. Just sat glued to the TV all day, having watched most of it happen before my eyes, as I had turned on Sky News just after the first plane had crashed.
Was shocked, horrified and just cried all day, craddling my son in my arms all day, then had to go up the school to collect my daughter. Was a day i will never forget.
Went to NY in march, and paid a visit to Ground Zero, very sad and moving, but noticed how they are moving onwards and upwards, no tacky salesmen, flowers and tributes had long since been removed, and work is continuing there. Also went to the NYPD Museum where they have some artifacts which had been removed from the debris, items such as melted guns, police badges, car doors twisted and battered like a piece of tin foil. I found that very very sombre because some of the items were from the police personnel who had perished. Read lots of stories about how people survived and if only they had been 5 minutes earlier towork that day, things would be different for them. In the end I had to leave to stop the tears from flowing.
Whilst out there, i bought some books about 9/11, firemans stories, policemans stories, photographic books and also the French brothers DVD documentary. Some of them are political and have really opened my eyes to what went on that day. I have to say i am morbidly fascinated by it all, i think because this is 'my Kennedy', i have never experienced anything like this before, and hope i never do again.
Something i later found out, was that a friend of mine was at Twin Towers on September 10th, and sat near the golden globe centrepiece for a photo. I later saw the same globe which was recovered from the debris almost intact, but badly damaged, it has been moved to Battery Park. Im so grateful that my male friend was there a day earlier.
I will always remember one poster a little girl had drawn for the firefighters, which just said, As people were running out, you were running in.
I lost a friend in the events of that day. He was working on the plane that hit the Pentagon. I haven't allowed my mind to drift too much to what the atmosphere was aboard the plane, or whether the hyjackers told them what the plan was... No matter how much we grieve, or rant or cry or plead to God or man, it serves them no good now.
We can only resolve to do our bit to make the world turn to a better course. But that day put into perspective a lot of my problems.
wow is it really three years? course it is, but the world's been so changed by it, and yet not changed nearly enough.
i have never been so rivetted to the TV. i think it's the JFK assassination for my generation. watching it unfold was horrifying, cos of the images themselves, and cos i had a good idea what would come from it as i watched.
i probably shouldn't get into the politics of it, but there's a "values and despots" line up there. i hoped it would be a wake up call for the U.S. and the rest of us but instead the world sleepwalks to further disasters like that one.
State Terror, Imperialism and Terrorism go hand in hand, and all we do is sit back and allow that terror to be fed in the name of western value's and homeland defence. i can truly see no difference between the B52 that bombs the third world into submission and and the killing of kids in Israel and the passenger jet that reduced New York to rubble, and i know some will find that a disgusting thing to say, but there you are. the B52 costs a few more million quid than a pound of semtex and a suicide bomber, but when you're fighting for your life you'll use whatever weapon comes to hand! if you're gonna go to war covertly the world over, expect the war to come back to you at some point.
i'm desperately trying to word this right and not offend, but how little the world has actually learned from it!
I was in the pub with my brother and a mate the whole pub just went silent and starred at the tv in the corner it was a some what surreal experience nobody could quite beleive what they were witnessing.
I was off work & in Liverpool City Centre. I went into a friends workplace & he was watching BBC on a small Black & White 1980's Mobile TV.
Due to the TV being low quality it did'nt quite get into my head the whole situation so as I left I passed a pub that quite unusally had over 20 people looking at the news on a huge screen then it hit me.
The strange thing was that the weather in Liverpool was the same as that of New York City with Blue Sky, a lovely late summers day.
This week I was watching "Mtv Cribbs" w / t the 'Hip - Hop Pionner' Russell Simmons showing off his NYC Penthouse the show was recorded pre - 9 / 11. Simmons property was NEXT to the WTC, I could not get over the size of them very large if that's the correct term.
Simmons & his family were not at the property at the time of the attacks but due to the damage they had to knock it down.
Very shocking & that day has changed the world were it takes us I don't even wish to contemplate.
I was at work and logged on the net to follow the progress when somebody told me that the first plane had hit. How it sent shivers down my spine as more news came in. There are so many vivid memories of that dreadful day. The most awful one for me was the sound in the backround of those who were jumping from the towers crashing to the ground as reporters narrated the gruesome story.
Having deleted several attempts to express my feelings here.. I find cannot ...which says it all!
Although this will sound like crap to many of you, I was working nights so in bed. However I had been doing some work in my spare time on regressions, and had discovered many links to tarot and psychic stuff I had always suspected and had found this in my family history. I awoke that day because I heard screaming, and thought next door had kid problems as you do. Anyhow for some reason I got up, made a cup of tea, and turned on the TV, something I NEVER do normally, and sat and watched as the second plane hit. I worked out the first plane had hit almost exactly the time of my rude awakening, because another neighbour leaves for work that time EVERY day...
A bit spooky?