As a lot of you have already said, you need to get your self known in the chatroom, forums and place a add, that way you might have a chance of meeting someone, because after four post's no one know anything about you I.e your intrests you like dislikes, what you are looking for.
I hope this is of some use and wish you all the luck
...and that's a very good plan, SurreyNewbie. I'm fairly new myself (although I'm far from being a swinging virgin), so I am still getting myself known.
The problem all us single blokes have is that there are far too many timewasters / fantasists / wannabees / pic collectors out there, so we are all tarred with the same brush - guilty unless proven innocent. It's tough, but that's the way it is.
All I can say is, keep plugging away - they're bound to run out of men at some stage...