so what,s the diffrence in sex and love are they the same are not some people think they are like the old saying it his better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all a load of crap if you have never loved you can,t get hurt but does sex lead into love am i talking sense not to sure myself
My view:
Sex and love and totally different...miles apart in fact :P
I know that many people couldn’t consider one without the other, not me.
The word love is used to much
I Love You
It should mean so much more than it does
but then this is 2005, things have changed
For me, Love means Love and i dont use the word that often
opposite ends of the scale, sex can be with anyone,love should be just for one but you don't need sex to be in love ?
Sex is just's recreational as far as I'm concerned.
Love is totally different, it involves emotions as well as hormones!
exactly what i was trying to say lissa but it needed a womans touch.
I think the ancient greeks had a better idea on this...
They had seven different words for the word love.
One was the love of god, another the love between two friends, another the love for your family, and one for the love between husband and wife. (I can't remember the others ok)
Love is completely to sex.
Just as making love to someone is different to having sex with them.
I tell my friends I love them when we are really close, they know that it means I care about them it is different to telling the person you are 'in love' with that you love them
ok and I thought I knew about it...
How come you studied it... normally its only cause you are looking at the orginal translation of certain scripts.
sexless love isn't good been there...
but loveless sex has its own drawbacks.
I think it depends on where you are in your life.
Sometimes you want the loveless sex, sometimes you just want to be wanted and go with the sexless love
thanks Berksbex...
Most people I know study when looking at the orginal verisons of the Bible...
Maybe I am hanging out with the wrong crowd...
I feel I might need to be corupted some more anyone want to help?
Very true Berksbex... I shouldn't people out of a job.. they might want mine then.