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sex are love

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so what,s the diffrence in sex and love are they the same are not some people think they are like the old saying it his better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all a load of crap if you have never loved you can,t get hurt but does sex lead into love am i talking sense not to sure myself
My view:
Sex and love and totally different...miles apart in fact :P
I know that many people couldn’t consider one without the other, not me.
Quote by berksbex
My view:
Sex and love and totally different...miles apart in fact :P
I know that many people couldn’t consider one without the other, not me.

Quite right i love apples but Id never shag one.
Quote by sexy davey
am i talking sense

Frankly, no.
Well you did ask. confused
The word love is used to much
I Love You
It should mean so much more than it does
but then this is 2005, things have changed
For me, Love means Love and i dont use the word that often
Quote by Ice Pie
am i talking sense

Frankly, no.
Well you did ask. confused
There is a thread on this already I think....
Quote by sexy davey
so what,s the diffrence in sex and love are they the same are not some people think they are like the old saying it his better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all a load of crap if you have never loved you can,t get hurt but does sex lead into love am i talking sense not to sure myself

Even trying to read that lot in my head I was out of breath.....
Try a bit of punctuation next time..... :shock:
opposite ends of the scale, sex can be with anyone,love should be just for one but you don't need sex to be in love ?
Punctuation is the least of his problems, Steve.
Quote by sexy davey
so you seem like typical sexxxxxxxxxxxy northern girl xxxx

smooth talking beast, isn't he? rotflmao
Sex is just's recreational as far as I'm concerned.
Love is totally different, it involves emotions as well as hormones!
Quote by Mal
Punctuation is the least of his problems, Steve.
so you seem like typical sexxxxxxxxxxxy northern girl xxxx

smooth talking beast, isn't he? rotflmao
AWWWWWW Mal dont be too hard on him!!!
Thats Bilkos job! bolt
Quote by dirtylittlemechanic
opposite ends of the scale, sex can be with anyone,love should be just for one but you don't need sex to be in love ?

To true .. I love my hubby but don't have sex with him
I love my children .......
I love my cat
Get it lolol
For me love is an action then the feelings follow.
Sex can be without love but is enhanced if there is love imho
exactly what i was trying to say lissa but it needed a womans touch.
Quote by Robert1961
The word love is used to much

I think it's often used unwisely or inappropriately, but too much? Two years ago I couldn't confidently say "I love you" to anyone outside my immediately family, but I can think of 6 SH friends I've said it to.
And now you're thinking, those 6 people... has he shagged them? Does he want to shag them? Does he fancy them? Does he want to marry them in some new age polywotsit thingy?.... Wrong questions.
Bear in mind, some of them are men and I'm a straight man. Does that make sense to you?
No matter... I'd stop a bullet for any of them, and they will know what I mean, so that's good enough for me. biggrin
People may say it too much to people they shouldn't be saying it to, but I don't think we say it to our friends anywhere near enough.
Back to the main question then... no, sex and love are not the same. Sex can sometimes be an expression of love, but don't count on it, and don't confuse an orgasm with a promise of lifelong commitment. :D
Quote by Ice Pie
Back to the main question then... no, sex and love are not the same. Sex can sometimes be an expression of love, but don't count on it, and don't confuse an orgasm with a promise of lifelong commitment. biggrin

So true!
Though it can get confusing out there sometimes :P
Quote by berksbex

Back to the main question then... no, sex and love are not the same. Sex can sometimes be an expression of love, but don't count on it, and don't confuse an orgasm with a promise of lifelong commitment. biggrin

So true!
Though it can get confusing out there sometimes :P
If you're confused, I'd be happy to demonstrate. :lol2:
I think the ancient greeks had a better idea on this...
They had seven different words for the word love.
One was the love of god, another the love between two friends, another the love for your family, and one for the love between husband and wife. (I can't remember the others ok)
Love is completely to sex.
Just as making love to someone is different to having sex with them.
I tell my friends I love them when we are really close, they know that it means I care about them it is different to telling the person you are 'in love' with that you love them
Quote by Ice Pie

Back to the main question then... no, sex and love are not the same. Sex can sometimes be an expression of love, but don't count on it, and don't confuse an orgasm with a promise of lifelong commitment. biggrin

So true!
Though it can get confusing out there sometimes :P
If you're confused, I'd be happy to demonstrate. :lol2:
Wait til the next munch and i may take you up on that :twisted:
ice pie should start looking scared!
Quote by Feklar
I think the ancient greeks had a better idea on this...
They had seven different words for the word love.
One was the love of god, another the love between two friends, another the love for your family, and one for the love between husband and wife. (I can't remember the others ok)
Love is completely to sex.
Just as making love to someone is different to having sex with them.
I tell my friends I love them when we are really close, they know that it means I care about them it is different to telling the person you are 'in love' with that you love them

Yep, copied and pasted cos I'm lazy :P I studied this a little....but a while ago confused
Eros: Sexual Love. Physical Love evoked because of Physical Attraction or an expression of love, physically.
Ludis: Flirtatious, Teasing Love. This type of love is associated with a teen-age kind of love. Game playing often resulting in a fleeting type of quick romance. Ludis is an outward expression of love. It is urging in a tantalizing way to excite another without intending to satisfy their desire aroused. Furthermore, is most often intended to arouse another to physical attraction, which can lead to Eros "sexual Love". It is not the same as to woo or embrace in love.
Philo: Brotherly Love. Love that is generated and/or related because of a common bond. Love that is banded together in unity and cooperation, with like interests and for mutual benefit. Love working toward a common goal.
Storge: Friendship Love. Friendship love, involving respect and concern for another person’s interest. This love contains more companionship than excitement. It’s root is in: "To Store Up".
Pragma: Logical Love. This is for people who worry whether their partner wood be a good parent. It is the kind of love that is based on shared interests and common backgrounds. This love is influenced by a system of principles, and the application of reason, and deductions to common experiences that describe and define relationships among propositions in terms of implications, contradictions, and contrariety. It is an expectant love that is accustomed to it’s own doctrine and theory. Pragma Love is: Unification though common goals and interests.
Mania: Smothering Love. Possessive, dependent, jealous love. Mania is a trademark of "Fatal Attraction love ." It is a mentally excited, excessive and persistent love. This type of love is like an obsession or craving. It can lead to exaggerated feelings and excessiveness.
Agape: Divine Love. Self-sacrificing love. Altruistic love that is experienced by people willing to do things for another person with no expectations. Precious, beloved, and esteemed love.
ok and I thought I knew about it...
How come you studied it... normally its only cause you are looking at the orginal translation of certain scripts.
Quote by berksbex
ice pie should start looking scared!

Personally, I'm terrified of one-eyed monsters.
But my one-eyed monster knows no fear! rotflmao
If you had to choose one forever more, which would it be: Loveless sex or sexless love ?
sexless love isn't good been there...
but loveless sex has its own drawbacks.
I think it depends on where you are in your life.
Sometimes you want the loveless sex, sometimes you just want to be wanted and go with the sexless love
Quote by Feklar
ok and I thought I knew about it...
How come you studied it... normally its only cause you are looking at the orginal translation of certain scripts.

Only touched on it a little which is why i had heard of it, I studied history and this came up in a module I was taking on sex (believe it or not lol). Most of the course centred on 'self-love' and theories of masturbation, repression and morals. Have a read of some Foucault or Michael Mason if you are interested in the subject.
Quote by Ice Pie
ice pie should start looking scared!

Personally, I'm terrified of one-eyed monsters.
But my one-eyed monster knows no fear! rotflmao
lol :lol: :lol:
thanks Berksbex...
Most people I know study when looking at the orginal verisons of the Bible...
Maybe I am hanging out with the wrong crowd...
I feel I might need to be corupted some more anyone want to help?
Quote by Riff Raff
If you had to choose one forever more, which would it be: Loveless sex or sexless love ?

Right now (not long out of a relationship) I would choose to have loveless sex because I have love from my family and I believe that even in sexual relationships where there is no love as such, there can be affection and friendship which I enjoy. I can live with having just that for now. smile
I might change my mind in time though, because I’m contrary. :P
Quote by Feklar
thanks Berksbex...
Most people I know study when looking at the orginal verisons of the Bible...
Maybe I am hanging out with the wrong crowd...
I feel I might need to be corupted some more anyone want to help?

Ahh well I can't read Greek....but plenty of translators out there, why do them out of a job wink and there are other ways to study than looking at the bible :P
Very true Berksbex... I shouldn't people out of a job.. they might want mine then.
Quote by Feklar
Very true Berksbex... I shouldn't people out of a job.. they might want mine then.

They are welcome to mine! rolleyes