Has anyone else had sex at work?
Whenever "M" goes away with her boss on conferences, she sleeps with him in the interest of bettering her career!
Hmmm, well, since the original question was about 'having sex at work' I'll stick to the topic, rather than moralise about other people's lives...
Yes - sex at work is a huge turn-on! I suppose it must be something to do with the 'cloak-and-dagger' nature that makes it particularly exciting.
Then there's the thrill of arranging something and waiting for it to happen, and the surreptitious flirtation that goes on during the day before a lunchtime or after-hours shag!
Very exciting indeed!!!
I got a hand job off the Admin girl at works 'do' - if that counts.
I had only been there a few weeks and it took place in a pub garden whilst I was sat at a table opposite my MD chatting about 'strategies'..!!
Well to keep to the topic...had sex afew times at the old place i worked at...however...i did sleep with a boss but it was not for any gain...just for fun...and we never talked when infront of other people...so no 1 knew about what we got upto in the early hours at the office....
Have saying this the personel manager of this place was given her job through sleeping around with the bosses....every1 knew and she had alot of trouble from us on the factory floor.. what made it worse is she didn't have any qualifications to justify her right to the job....i do not agree with sleeping with the boss to better a career....if your talanted in your profession then sleeping with sum1 important need not b done...u do it on your own merit...
But sex at work is fun if no1 will get hurt from your actions....if sum1 happens to walk in on u then u'll have to explain what u where doing...but i think alot of people do it...but don't admit it...
I've had sex in the work place but certainly not with a colleague ...
A lot has already been said about the ethics but I'd just like to add ..... when your girlfriend has advanced her career and moved into another position, is the "boss" going to think that all women act accordingly and try the same on with the next female? How does that lie?
I certainly wouldn't want to work for someone with whom I had to sleep with the gain advancement, I'd much rather work hard and prove my skill and ability than open my legs and be judged on that.
What about her reference in the future? Is the boss likely to brag about his conquest with your girlfriends next boss?
I'm sorry ...... regardless of your girlfriends willingness ...... what is happening is improper for a workplace (work colleagues) and smacks of sexual discrimination. The Sexual Discrimination act was set up to stop this sort of behaviour and here you are perpetuating for future employees!
First on the main subject - yes I have - some time ago now, and yes it was extremely exciting.
However - I am in total agreement with Ice, Judy and Calista. It is 'prostituting' oneself to have sex with someone for personal gain - whatever form that 'gain' takes. I know there are some professions where career advancement is easier for men than women, but that should not mean that you should to use these tactics to get on. It smacks more of potentially blackmailing your way up the ladder.
By all means - if you like the bloke, he likes you and no-one will get hurt - go ahead - but for enjoyment - not to use him!
I'm sure this sounds a bit prudish - I don't mean it to be at all - I just think that there is a world of difference between consenting couples having sex for enjoyment alone and someone having sex for gain - eiher financially or for career advancement.
My apologies if I have come across a little strong - it's difficult to put it anyother way. They are just my feelings on the subject.
Nice to hear from a ladies point of view...
i thought it was my point that was OTT, and yours is in similar vein. Nothing wrong with a bit of the old storage room refit, but it is demeaning to advance by sex alone. No wonder I have a shit job...!
On reflection, my words were rather harsh, and it is of course not my place to pass moral judgements on people who are not doing anyone any harm, so I apologise unreservedly for that. However, I do still feel that, although I sell my professional skills to the highest bidder, and in that sense prostitute myself every day, my intimate self is not for sale at any price - it is freely given to those I trust to treat it well. The idea of sex being traded like a commodity constitutes, in my mind, the loss of something beautiful, and that is what I find saddening.
I have a lot of friends who work in the professional spanking scene (both giving and recieiving). I must say that they are amongst the most professional & wonderful bunch of people I know.
If you would say that they are degrading themselves or losing some intimate part of their being then I guess you've never spent time in the company of professional sex-workers.
I can hear the echoes of those who condemn us as perverts, lacking in morals, decadants in the voices who condemn those who work in the sex industry. It's a kind of moral fugue it seems...
I certainly was NOT condemning anyone who works in the sex industry! Far from it!
And I am 100% certain neither Judy nor Ice were either. Please read the posts again to understand what we were saying.
(I have assumed your comments were aimed at me).
Alex x
I didn't realsie the volume of response we'd receive!
We don't see M's sex with her boss as prostitution at all. She finds the guy sexy and attractive and would sleep with him even if he was not her boss!
ooo sex at work is exciteing and very risky and yes ive done it
on the subject of m sleeping with their boss so what ..i dont find that offensive at all
i dont understand why everyones kicking up such a fuss