As some of you know I work on a Sex Chatline on the's quite amusing sometimes but also quite worrying, why spend £60 on me, why not go and pick up a woman in a bar or something?
Anyway, I was just wondering how many of you have phoned one of these lines in the past, go on....own up!!!
i never rang one of them.
put i remeber my bother building up a £400 phone bill when he was 14. aftr that my fahter but a ban on all Premium numbers.
so by the time i left home the internet was fully established. so why pay £1 per min on it.
PS : whats ya number ??? lol lol
When I was 14, and a mate pissed me off. I used her parents phone :twisted:
I used one once when I was rather sozzled. Ended up hanging up after a few minutes as it wasn't live. Was a you send me one message I send you another as I was rather drunk I got bored of it hehe.