I recently responded to somones ad for a suggested naturist beach to have a swinging time. I am not against this -why would I be here otherwise and I particularly enjoy outdoor sex but I think we do no one any favours by going to designated or recognised naturist beaches. I wanted to give others the chance to comment on this view as I mught be out of step here - so educate me?
My reasons are these:
The naturists who establish these places are not all about sex. They were set up as places that anyone, including children, can enjoy the liberties and sensualness of being naked in a 'safe' environment.
When beaches get overrun by those who think it is a sexual free for all (gays take particular note) naturist places get a bad press and bring down the heavies of the church, local authorities and then the police (who often don't want to be brought in but are forced to act)
This leaves the naturists with nowhere to go and a reduced chance of getting nudity on beaches accepted - this is bad for us all.
Naturists only have 11 official beaches in the UK, Ireland has none and then there are the other non-official but recognised sites. The total length of shoreline is probably less than 30 miles out of a total coast of 3500- 4500 miles! Is it too much to ask not to ruin the few small areas for everyone to use? Surely we can find other rendezvous purely for swinging games. Anyone care to organise a beach party in another forum?
Thanks for reading this long (could have been longer post) - let me know??
We often visit a naturists beach on the coast. It saddens me to see the children run around naked and I think of how times have changed. My parents have photos of my sister and I, as little girls playing with no swim suits in a paddling pool with the local children and not an eye lid was bat. Mind you, that was some time ago.
When we go to this beach, I look into the sand dunes up higher and I see the people (sadly, mostly men........sorry) watching the children. Now, Im not a mind reader but I do have an overwhelming sense that its just not right.
When we are at this particular beach, I might go down topless to the water but never completely naked if there's children on the beach. Its something Im just not comfortable with. Yes, I know its the decision of the parents whether they want their young children on that beach, but its my choice to act a bit more discretely around them. Im not berating the parents, I'm just sad for them. For all the parents good or liberal intentions, there are some that will take advantage of that.
During my holiday last week, I observed several times that it's not just on naturist beaches that children are allowed to run around naked.
Even sadder is that we have to prep our children against these dangers from v early age.
We tighten the reigns on their free spirits.
But necessary.
They may be physically safe, but the sick perves could be getting their thrill from afar.
There is nothing wrong in children being naked, or their parents allowing that.
The problem is a social one really, the way nakedness is perceived in society.
Naked = sex.
Sex on a beach, children or not, is also a social problem; compounded by being a criminal problem as well.
The best thing to do, as a single male, is not be anywhere near children at all, ever.
If you're a single male on a beach with a camera, you have a problem.
As an aside, I read in a womens mag (in hospital they only ever have womens mags) that single women with children have a problem attracting men...it seems that men prefer to avoid women with children now (probably a financial reason !)
Hello again,
More information - perhaps?
Just to clarify the comment on gays - I have gay friends and they would mostly agree with me that they are a more obvious first sign that the original idea of a naturist beach has been lost.
Secondly, even at the famous Studland beach naturists are advised to avoid the gay area at one end becasue of what goes on there..
The Meerkat problem is another issue and the problem here is that they need to be reported to police, naturists have also taken this on board and try to co-operate with police - again this is to try and preserve what few places naturist families can go. We all have a need to feel safe whatever we do and wherever we go?
As light relief an anecdote: Sydney harbour beach (naturist) enjoying a happy fun time with family when a million pound police "gunboat" arrives close offshore. Shortly followed by four pedestrian officers. ( incl one detective and one a woman) to suggest this was not a place to bring my children or really for anyone associated with me to be.
I pointed out politlely that if there were perverts at the end of the beach perhaps they should do something about it. As well as doing something about the tourist boats that came to allow the 'ordinary public' to photograph the men who pose and perform on the rocks or perhaps the public members on a coastal path behind the beach who pose for pictures with the nudes on the beach as a background. They were very persistent but left when I accused them of harassment if they continued with the same mantra.
Bizarre! Great way to finish an Australian adventure.
We can lose what tolerance people have if we don't understand the cause and effect?
Keep the comments coming it is really interesting to me anyway!
It was predictable that this thread would arouse remarks related to children. Experienved naturists know what goes on around them and they deal with it by avoiding specific areas and the times that foul play could occur. Sex obviously does go on, but most adults do it when the civilians and their brats are out of the way.
Cops will always hustle you if you look vulnerable or naive about where you are and what you are doing. Its part of their technique in looking for offenders and also finding potential victims. Once you had asserted yourself they were probably happy that you were not going to be a victim. That's the generous viewpoint.
Its a shame that the way society is prevents us from living our lives as freely as we would wish.
Unfortunately in todays age people can feel very uncomfortable around naked/semi naked children.
Its a sign of the times that we have to drum it into our daughter not to run around naked before bedtime when we have guests.
We are an open family and do not mind being naked in front of one another but its a shame that kids innocence has to be taken away and replaced by the hard reality of life so early these days in an attempt to protet them.
Nudist beaches are sometimes gona attract the wrong type of attention same as swingers sometimes attract the wrong type of attention if it be through ignorance or people looking for a perveted kicks. Everything we do in life has risks even something as simple as walking out your front door and across a road has risks! I guess what iam trying to say is if you enjoy doing something why let a bad few individuals put you off.
Haviong helped run a website for Naturists and organised social meets for local nudists in my area where families come I am fully aware of the problems associated with the voyeurs along the beaches. I choose a beach where there are no dunes for the non naturists to hide in so we are all relatively safe ... Many families group together on the beach for protection too at the beach I go to so its self policed quite successfully.
Yes parents are well aware of the difficulties but I also think we should be able to strike a balance so that our children don't end up neurotics cowering in the corner for fear of all the perverts in the world ... it really is not as bad as all that out there so long as you are sensible folks ... my kids ran naked on the beaches when ever they wanted to quite safely and I am glad to say they don't have any hang ups about their bodies either.
I agree with Burnie the dangers have always been there, we are just more aware of them these days because of better media coverage etc. Which is a good thing because we can educate our children of the dangers, its a sad fact we have to do so but necessary one! Also mentioned was gays getting there own beaches and not hijacking naturist's which they seem to do as well as hijacking dogging sites, glory holes etc etc. Before anyone says it Iam not homophobic either i believe in live and let live as long as other peoples views habits are not shoved in your face for you to see!
I'm not good with those white boxes so I can't reply as I would like to have done.
I am a naturist and used to be a member of what was then called the "Central Council of British Naturism" which seems now to have changed its name to BN.
With one or two minor exceptions I have never been involved in public nudity in Britain.
The mention of Sydney Harbour. There were two "official" nudist beaches in Sydney Harbour. Reef Beach on the northern side and another on the sourthern side whose name I can't remember but near South Head. Public niudity on Reef Beach was banned a few years ago because of male homosexual activity. So now, as far as I know, there is only one beach in Sydney which is "officially" nudist. The one near South Head.
When we travel in Europe we try to use nudist beaches exclusively. This year 2005, we spent a lot of time in the North West. We asked about nudist beaches but we were told by tourist offices that there are no nudist beaches in Brittany. So we didn't go nude but I did go topless.
On the Med coast and down to the south-west you could almost believe that nudity is compulsory. But often, when you go on to the beach there will be a sign pointing one way "Plage" and the other way "Plage Naturiste". So you have, often, a choice.
I have no idea about the perves in dunes in Britain but I can tell you that in the nearly ten years that I have been going nude in France I have never seen any activity you could call offensive or even uncomfortable. No sexual activity.
Spain - there are nudist beaches to the north of Barcelona.
Portugal - I've been told public nudity is ilegal but there are nudist beaches.
I hope to find out about other countries in the future. Perhaps because public nudity is more "normal" in France then "perving" is a British disease.
I've had more trouble with pervs on beaches in Spain than anywhere. All that good Catholic upbringing, brings out the curiosity.
Then again the Germans are the absolute worst for staring directly at you.
Oh, I agree about the Germans. I have never been offended by them but they take every opportunity to get their kit off. There is a park in Munich called, I think, The English Gardens where office workers will go nude even at lunch-times.