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Sexual Accidents?

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:laughabove: :laughabove: yep!!
Quote by tottychick
:laughabove: :laughabove: yep!!

c'mon then!! spill the beans!!
(give us an idea of some of the practices we should immedaitely stop doing!)
well here it goes, quite embarassed about this one, i was with an ex and used to like giving me a blow job with toothpaste in her mouth so one day when i was on my own at home i thought to myself i would try it with a bit of hand play on my own, to my horror it doesn't work like that and got this really bad burning sensation, the worst thing was i had stuck it under the tap to wash it off, if you think about eating an extra strong mint washed down with water you can probably understand where i am coming TRY THIS ONE AT HOME!!! :eeek:
ok ok i will put u outta yer misery! lol
a guy comes into the dept said he couldnt wee!! hardly an emergency me finks! when he finally got seen by the doc after doc takin loads history the guy says "ere doc jus ave a look at this" drops is trousers and is sportin a hugely swollen black purple red raw dick with the end of a broken glass milk bottle attached to it!! said he peed in milk bottle when pissed and couldnt get his dick out so smashed milk bottle hopin to free it but left broken neck of bottle around end of his shaft!! OUCH!!! best bit was he jumped off trolley and demonstrated the actions he had tried over last 24hrs to release it........bless!! i had to leave doc to get on with it for fear of laughing in hysterics!!
:scared: loon lol